Friday, December 19, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "ANTICIPATION"
Mentoring Woman: "ANTICIPATION": Well, we are getting down to the final countdown to Christmas 2014 aren't we? As I write this, all the packages are wrapped for our ...

Well, we are getting down to the final countdown to Christmas 2014 aren't we? As I write this, all the packages are wrapped for our children and grandchildren, but I was sweating it until this past Tuesday. One of the main gifts for our grandson had not arrived yet. Now, I realize it wouldn't have been the end of the world, but I had ordered on December 5th and here it was 2 weeks later but still no package. I was tracking it on line and if this package could talk I am sure it would have quite a story to tell! First it traveled South and then it headed North to Michigan. But finally it arrived here this week all safe and sound. Each day, however, I anxiously looked on the porch as I anticipated its arrival!
You would think this would lead me straight into a discussion on the "Three Wisemen" wouldn't you? But ever the rebel that I am, I wish to talk today about Anna. "Anna?" "Who is Anna?" She is really a part of the Christmas story as well. She is spoken about in Luke 2:36-38. Two short verses that say a whole lot about this extraordinary woman! The bible says this about her:
"There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the
tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband
seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was
eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and
day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them (Mary, Joseph, and Jesus)
at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child
to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem." (NIV)
If there ever was a woman who was filled with anticipation, it was Anna! Can you imagine just seven years of marriage and then her husband dies. What does she do? She dedicates herself to worshiping night and day and all the while, fasting and praying for a Messiah to deliver her and her people! God honored her prayer with an extraordinary encounter with the living God! Eight days after Jesus is born, Mary and Joseph take the baby Jesus to the temple to circumcise him, according to the law, and Anna's pray is finally answered at the age of 84!
Just shows you that God's timing is His! As we anticipate Christ's return, it is easy for us to get discouraged. The world is getting much worse and so sometimes our tendency is to loose hope. But listen to II Peter 3:3: "First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own desires. They will say, "Where is this coming he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." Later on in 3:8 our answer comes "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
We must wait for the fullness of time! Anna waited....84 years she waited! Anticipate it! Believe it! He's just over the horizon and He will be here soon!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "WHEN SUDDENLY'
Mentoring Woman: "WHEN SUDDENLY': Working the night shift had always been hard! While the rest of the world was lying in their warm comfy beds, he was out here trying ...
Working the night shift had always been hard! While the rest of the world was lying in their warm comfy beds, he was out here trying to make a living. It wasn't only himself that felt this way, but he saw it in the faces of his coworkers as well. All of them trying to stay awake, to stay diligent, trying to be on their toes for their shift! "I mean honestly," he thought to himself, "why would he ever expect to get a different job?" "He was untrained, uneducated, trapped doing the same work that his father did, and his father did before him." " But why, didn't he get more acknowledgement for the skill that it took to do his meager work?" "Still", he thought to himself, "Shouldn't just knowing that he was good at what he did, give him some sense of pride?" "Yet" as he continued on wrestling with his thoughts, "it was monotonous work!" "Don't think about all that", he chided himself, "at least in this economy you still have a job and a steady way to put bread on the table!" Little did he realize, that on this one special night, his world would forever change..."when suddenly!"
Wonder if that is how the shepherd's felt that night? They certainly did not expect anything out of the ordinary to happen as they tended to their flocks. They were just doing what shepherds do, watching and caring for their sheep. "When suddenly" an angel appeared to them. They were not ready for that one! I mean they were experts in killing wolves and bears that posed a danger, but they weren't prepared for an angel and an encounter with the Living God! And the bible says it made them terrified! (Luke 2:9, NIV)
Ever have one of those "when suddenly" moments? Things are going along in a regular routine "when suddenly" you get a call that there was an accident? Or "when suddenly" the doctor calls and your test came back with a suspicious looking shadow? Or "when suddenly" your husband looses his job after 34 years and your world turns upside down and the future looks so uncertain. All of these "and suddenly" times have happened in my life and I admit, that I too, was terrified at the moment! But who wouldn't be?
After the shepherds visited Bethlehem and saw what the angel proclaimed, the scripture says they were amazed and "returned glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen". (Luke 2:20) Notice the scripture says they returned. Did that mean they returned to their shepherding job and their same old monotonous routine? I don't know, but it does make us wonder! How did that night affect them the rest of their lives? The Bible remains silent to this question, but as in all of us, when God touches our lives, it is always for the better, and it is never remains the same!
Soon Christmas 2014 will be a thing of the past. Everything will be packed up tight in the attic until next year. But the question remains for all of us, will this "when suddenly" moment, that changed the shepherds lives, also change us? " For God loved us so much, He sent His one and only son not to condemn the world but to save the world through Him." (John 3:16)
"Packed Away"
The tinsels all packed with the holiday past,
but I wonder how long this good feeling will last?
A feeling of giving, a heart filled with love,
the joy of a baby, sent to earth from above.
It's a joy to spend Christmas with family and friends,
But what about later? Is that where it ends?
As I pack up the manger, each piece carefully lay,
does all of this have special meaning today?
I think of you, Jesus, as my packaging starts.
How many just pack You away from their hearts?
Away from their life, away from their mind,
and then when in trouble, they hurry to find,
some help from you, Lord, in their time of need.
It seems selfish and cruel, and it's sad indeed!
If only they knew you're there, come what may,
You're God, and You're working in lives everyday!
To draw from each moment, to help with each task,
A close friend to talk with. What more could we ask?
A redeemer, a comfort, a rock, where we stand.
You'll lead, if we place all our life in Your hand.
You never forsake us, or leave to despair,
you're constant, and faithful, and always right there!
So Lord, hear our prayer, as we start each new day.
Help us Lord, know You more, not just pack You away!
Written by Becky Swymeler, 1982
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Mentoring Woman: TREASURE IT ALL IN YOUR HEART!: He was born as payment for us all! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for the next few weeks! Not for the gifts and the exc...
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He was born as payment for us all! |
I would like to share some of these thoughts about the people who surrounded that first Christmas. I will try to stick closely to what the scripture teaches, but also stir us to contemplate about the possibilities and wonder of those events and the people involved.
I am dwelling on "Mary" this week. The scripture says that she was a virgin pledged to a man named, "Joseph". We don't know her exact age, but probably very young, due to the history and customs concerning marriage of her time. We first meet her when she encounters the angel "Gabriel". Gabriel is sent by God to deliver an important message to this young woman. As he delivers the message (Luke 1:30-33, NIV) it says that she is "greatly troubled at his words". I would be too, wouldn't you? He tells her that the child she will carry "will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, his kingdom will never end." (Luke 1:32-33, NIV)
First observation: Instead of letting the words soak in about his reign never ending, Mary begins to question the logistics about how all this will happen. And isn't that just like us? We may be convinced that the Lord is giving us some task to accomplish, but instead of trusting in His faithfulness to complete it, we desire to know all the in's and out's on exactly how it will happen! Gabriel has the perfect answer to her question in this trust issue, "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37, NIV)
Fast forward to the end of her nine month pregnancy. It is the time of her baby's birth, and she is giving birth in a stable of all places! Not quite the "Comfort Suites" she had envisioned! The shepherd's have just paid a visit and began proclaiming the "Good News" about the birth everywhere. Now we come to my all time favorite verse concerning the Christmas story "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." (Luke 2:19, NIV)
Second observation: Isn't that what we moms do? We treasure up each little event when it happens to our children! I remember all the plays, the awards, the sports events, the times when they were reciting some poem or verse and I was busting my buttons. This is not intended to be a slam to men, but they do not do this! I am always saying to my husband, "remember when one of our kids did this or that?" And usually it takes him some time to recall it. But we treasure these things ladies!
When Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus at the temple in Luke 2:33 it says, "The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him." But notice the next verse, Simeon, a devout and righteous man, tells Mary, "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too" (Luke 2:34, NIV) A sword? Just like the one her son was pierced with upon his death? No, a hurt so deep that no one could touch! Perhaps some of you can relate to that.
Third observation: We moms desire others to see all the wonderful things that we see in our children and it hurts us when they don't! I wonder if Mary remembered Simeon's words as she saw her son so badly beaten and hanging on a cross?
Fast forward a few years, Jesus is now 12 years old. His parents have taken him to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. Jesus stays behind to speak in the temple but they were unaware that he had done so. When they finally find him, Mary says to him "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you."
Fourth observation: Did you ever lose a child for a minute in the store and panic? I mean they were right there and then they were not? Yeah, me too! It used to be that they would page you over the loud system and call you to the front of the store and as you went forward to claim your wayward child, you would feel like the biggest loser mom ever! But instead of feeling that way, Mary must have suddenly had an "ahh haa moment" and a glimpse of what the future of her son looked like. Jesus says to her "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" Notice Mary's response in Luke 2:51 again the same phrase, "But his mother treasured all these things in her heart." Amazing isn't it?
Bear with me, I know this is lengthy today, but I am almost there. In Matthew 12:46, Mary and his brothers were wishing to speak with Jesus. Someone said "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you." Jesus says, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." My tendency as a mom is to say "Ouch, that hurt!" But we know that Jesus, due to his sinless nature, meant no disrespect to his mother. We see this to its fullest when he saw to her needs as he was suffering on the cross by giving her to his disciple John. (John 19:26-27) But he was making a point that God's plans are always greater.
Fifth observation: I have been having some conversations with moms of teenagers. It is hard for us as moms to realize that the boys and girls we have raised, are now being called to become the men and women that God have called them to be. Just as God has worked in us, He is working in them and we have to let them go.
As Mary saw he son hanging on the cross and witnessed "bullying" at its ultimate peak, I really don't know how she stood it! It causes me such pain and it breaks my heart just to think of it! My mind immediately goes to my own children and how I would feel. But God gave me a thought this past week that I can not get out of my mind. We do not know how long Mary lived. I imagine John took very good care of that woman! But as Mary was ushered into the gates of glory, she immediately sees her son, the one she carried, the one who she raised, the one she saw suffer and suffered for us all, sitting at the right hand of the Father! What a sight! I am sure she finally understood Gabriel's words to her that first day, "He will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end." How does one respond to that? I don't know, but I imagine she just fell at His feet, as we all shall one day! What a wonderful conclusion to a simple woman used by God!
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The Christmas card I designed for this year. |
Friday, November 21, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "A SWEET AROMA"
Mentoring Woman: "A SWEET AROMA": Thanksgiving is almost upon us, in fact I am having our family celebration this Sunday. One of the things I like about this holiday is the ...
Thanksgiving is almost upon us, in fact I am having our family celebration this Sunday. One of the things I like about this holiday is the sweet aroma that fills my kitchen. Spices, turkey, and pies baking all fill the kitchen with the most delicious smells. In fact I have a yummy apple cinnamon candle burning today, just so I can get into the Thanksgiving mood.
Did you know that we can we a sweet aroma to God as well? II Corinthians 2:14-16 says: "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death, to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to the task? (NIV)
When we gather with our unsaved relatives and friends, we can be the fragrance of Christ. And who is equal to task? We are!
I am taking a week off for Thanksgiving weekend next week, but never fear I will back the following week. The Lord has been placing on my heart some new ideas for Christmas!
Here is a wonderful sweet potato casserole recipe that I will be serving Sunday. It was given to me over 30 years ago by one of the sweet ladies in our church.
Joan's Sweet Potato Casserole:
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3 cups of mashed sweet potatoes ( I used the can of cooked 40oz ones, but you can also use fresh)
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 lightly beaten eggs
1/3 cup melted margarine or butter
1/2 cup milk
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon (the original recipe did not call for it but I love the taste of cinnamon)
1 teaspoon vanilla
Grease 2 quart baking dish. Mix well and pour into dish. Pour on topping and bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes.
TOPPING: Melt 1/3 cup margarine, add 1 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup flour and 1 cup chopped pecans. Crumble together and spread over sweet potato mixture.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Mentoring Woman: A SURE CROWD PLEASER!
Mentoring Woman: A SURE CROWD PLEASER!: As I have shared with you before, my grandmother played a major role in my life. I can still recall her saying to me. "If everyone pa...
As I have shared with you before, my grandmother played a major role in my life. I can still recall her saying to me. "If everyone painted their head green, would you?" and "I suppose if everyone jumped off a bridge, you would also!" What usually brought on this discussion was, in order to keep my legs warm in the winter, she wanted me to wear slacks under my dress to school. Now to me, this was the worst idea possible! Back in the day, girls did not wear pants to school, only dresses! We've come a long way baby! I raised a huge ruckus, because I did not want to stand out from the other girls. So upon arriving at school, I would slip into the bathroom and remove the pants or I would complain until she relented and finally said "okay, just freeze then!" Yes, ladies, if I had only listened to my grandmother's wisdom, I might have become a fashion trendsetter that would have allowed our liberation from dresses to pants a lot earlier! But I was a crowd pleaser then, so sorry!
And so begins my mentoring challenge for us. Are we teaching our children that it is better to go along with their peers than to ever stand out from the crowd? Or how about ourselves? Do we blend in with society and our friends so much that our lives do not make any kind of statement for what and who we believe?
I was thinking that when Christ lived on this earth, He did not fit into the normal society mold. Really the only time I can remember him being a "crowd pleaser" was when he was healing others or when he rode in town on the donkey and the people waved palm branches for him. But then again, these were the very first people to shout "Crucify Him!" Just after the Beatitudes, Christ says this; "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11-12 (NIV) So let's remember, it is good to stand out from the crowd, if we're doing it for the right reasons!
Heat oil in a pan and add onion. When onion becomes translucent, add flour, cumin, sugar. garlic, broth and sauce and cook 5 minutes or until the sauce begins to thicken.
Brown hamburger or chicken in a skillet. Place the meat in a flour or corn tortilla. Add a small amount of shredded cheese and some of the sauce. Roll up and place seam side down in a 9 x 13" pan. Do the same for the remaining tortillas. Pour more sauce over the top and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Top with lettuce, salsa, and sour cream. Makes 10 tortillas.
And so begins my mentoring challenge for us. Are we teaching our children that it is better to go along with their peers than to ever stand out from the crowd? Or how about ourselves? Do we blend in with society and our friends so much that our lives do not make any kind of statement for what and who we believe?
I was thinking that when Christ lived on this earth, He did not fit into the normal society mold. Really the only time I can remember him being a "crowd pleaser" was when he was healing others or when he rode in town on the donkey and the people waved palm branches for him. But then again, these were the very first people to shout "Crucify Him!" Just after the Beatitudes, Christ says this; "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11-12 (NIV) So let's remember, it is good to stand out from the crowd, if we're doing it for the right reasons!
Here is a crowd pleasing recipe !
Homemade Enchilada Sauce
1 T. oil
1/2 onion
1 T. flour
2 teaspoons cumin
1 T. minced garlic
1 T. sugar
3/4 c. chicken broth
1 can Hunts Traditional Pasta Sauce
Heat oil in a pan and add onion. When onion becomes translucent, add flour, cumin, sugar. garlic, broth and sauce and cook 5 minutes or until the sauce begins to thicken.
Brown hamburger or chicken in a skillet. Place the meat in a flour or corn tortilla. Add a small amount of shredded cheese and some of the sauce. Roll up and place seam side down in a 9 x 13" pan. Do the same for the remaining tortillas. Pour more sauce over the top and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Top with lettuce, salsa, and sour cream. Makes 10 tortillas.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "THESE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR WALKIN!": My American Girl Doll Creation This Week You ever just have those moments when you know that you are supposed to do something? I star...
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My American Girl Doll Creation This Week |
You ever just have those moments when you know that you are supposed to do something? I started out this week thinking about this very blog subject and then somewhere along the line got sidetracked onto another subject (a rabbit trail so to speak). However, this week I am finishing a bible study with some other ladies on 1 and 2 Thessalonians called "Children Of The Day" by Beth Moore. Yesterday's study was about our feet and the responsibility and privilege we have as believers in Christ. The world calls it an "Ah-Ha Moment" but I call it a "God Moment".
Since we have been friends for some time, I wanted to share my story today. I trusted Christ as my personal Savior when I was in grade school at a church camp one summer. I realized that Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose on the third day. I like to call it my "fire insurance conversion" because of what I know from scripture, I would have gone to heaven. However, it wasn't until later on, I realized Christ wanted to be Lord of my life. At the age of 20 years old we were faced with a fire in the home we rented. We lived in a farm house a 1/2 mile from our neighbors. The fire started in the kitchen while my oldest son and I were outside. I saw the smoke rolling up from the inside, where my middle son was asleep in his playpen, not 10 feet from the flames. I ran around to the front door and grabbed him out of there, but the phone was already too hot to touch. I knew my only recourse was to run that 1/2 mile down the road to the neighbors, since I did not have a car at my disposal. There I was, with the hand of a four year old and a baby on my hip, running to the neighbors. Those who know me personally, know that I had polio as a child, so running a half a mile was no easy task for me (even though at the age of 20, I was in much better shape than I am now!) To make a long story short, the fire department was called and the fire was put out. That afternoon, after everyone dispersed, we were left with a smoke filled house and no where to stay. A girlfriend said her apartment was empty, since she was out of town, so we spent the night there. I remember that night, my husband crying out loud to God, "God, if You are real, You are going to have to show Yourself to us, or we are moving lock, stock, and barrel back to Missouri where we came from!" I know that may seem irreverent to some, but these were desperate times! The next day, a little church where we had been attending at times, came with 3 carloads of food, kitchen utensils, and other necessities that we had lost in the fire and the pastor found us an apartment to stay for the duration of time while the house was being repaired. We experienced first hand what "the feet" of Christ was all about and it began to be a life changing experience for us!
I share this with you for two reasons. First to tell you that God cares for you just as He did us after the fire. You were in His thoughts since the very beginning of time, so much so, that He sent His one and only son to die in your place and even though Christ was buried, He was raised on the 3rd day so that you can be raised and live with Him forever! And as I did, all you need do, is tell Him that you believe this, and You want to live for Him.
The second reason, is to remind my sisters in Christ, that we are His feet to this world. Remember how I told you I had polio? As I have aged, I find it much harder to be His literal feet, so I have had to be more creative in how to tell the world, "The Good News". These blogs have provided that avenue, for they have reached places than I could or would never go! I have seen readers from Hungary, Germany, and South Korea check out this site! How awesome is that? My mentoring challenge for each of us today is this: Where has God sent your feet to go? It might be across the street to your neighbor, it might be the gym, or a classroom, or it might be a more far reaching place like Hungary or South Korea. Wherever it is, you sister, are His feet and as I entitled this blog "these boots are made for walkin!"
Friday, October 31, 2014
Mentoring Woman: WHAT LURKS IN YOUR CLOSET? PART 2: Well, as promised, the doll closet is completed! It is not perfection but it will work for a display for my upcoming market table. ...
Well, as promised, the doll closet is completed! It is not perfection but it will work for a display for my upcoming market table.
You might think this was a simple project. I mean how hard is it to paint a cardboard box? Well, it was much more difficult than I first imagined. I probably had at least 9 hours involved in it! With anything you try for the first time, I just designed as I went. I torn pieces of brown paper and glued (with regular white glue, watered down a bit) on the outside to cover the box and then let dry. I inserted half of a gold cafe rod by cutting a small hole in the box on each side. I shredded various colors of scrapbook paper and glued in a similar fashion to the inside and then let that dry. I thought of painting the outside brown to resemble wood, but felt it was too dark (because after all, this is for a little girl) so I chose red instead and then while it was still wet, I sprinkled with bronze glitter (because little girls love their bling)! Next I had to figure out the doors. If I had been smart I would have left them on my original box, but because I was designing as I went, I did not do so (so you be smarter). So, I attached them back on with elastic gold thread. I then glued flat cream lace around the outside of the doors. For the knobs I used a push pin with a plastic flower embellishment and hot glued that on the top of the pin. As the project progressed, I was beginning to get somewhat discouraged. I kept thinking, "Is this even worth it?" But then I thought of you, and the fact that I promised you I would finish, and so I did!
So it is in our Christian walk. As we clean out our closet, there will be times when we want to give up. After all, "This one sin isn't really all that bad!" But I Thessalonians 5:23,24 says: "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify (set you apart) you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." (NIV)
Our Christian walk is a checks and balance life. We continually need to be throwing off the old clothes and replacing it with the new! My mentoring encouragement for today, is to keep at it! All your sisters are counting on you to finish strong! Look in that closet and decide if it is time for you to get rid of some of those old garments. After all, they are not your style anymore and you've just plain outgrown them. Don't be tempted to try and re-purpose them, don't try and donate them to someone else for their enjoyment, just pitch them!
Friday, October 24, 2014
Mentoring Woman: WHAT LURKS IN YOUR CLOSET? PART 1: It is close to Halloween and with it comes all the talk of spooky, scary, and dark things. When I was little, I sometimes imagined something...
It is close to Halloween and with it comes all the talk of spooky, scary, and dark things. When I was little, I sometimes imagined something scary hiding in my closet at night. It must be a common thing and that is why the movie "Monster, Inc." became so popular.
Webster describes the word ''closet", as a small room, enclosed recess where it is private and secluded. It also says it is a dark state of secrecy or carefully guarded privacy. In other words something that only we would know about! I don't know about you, but if someone calls and my home is in disarray, where is the first place I think to stash things? The closet! I am sure the "stuff" will be out of sight and no one will ever open it up and investigate what is in there! But then my closets get filled with junk and it is time to do cleaning. When this happens, I keep reminding myself, perhaps if I had taken a little time for cleaning when it happened, it wouldn't seem so overwhelming to me! Can I get an "Amen Sista?"
And so begins my mentoring thoughts today. Is there bitterness, guilt, or some sin that you have carried way too long and is beginning to crowd in on the new clothes that Christ gave you to wear? Then perhaps it is time to do a little closet cleaning! Ephesians 5 is a great place to look at the difference of living in the darkness compared to the light. Ephesians 5:8-11 says: "For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them." (NIV) David must have had some closet cleaning to do himself, for he says in Psalm 32:5: "Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave the guilt of my sin."
This week's blog is in two parts. I think this idea of closet cleaning is important to address because it is those hidden things, that hinder us. They affect our walk with Christ, they affect our love for others, and they can even affect our health! David said in the same chapter in Psalm 32:3-4: "When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer." Pretty vivid picture huh?
To go along with our theme, I am posting a two-part work in progress as well (because that is what just what we are, a work in progress!) I am making a closet for my American Girl doll clothes that I am taking to sell at the women's event in January. It is made from a box, shredded scrapbook paper, brown craft paper and a curtain rod I had on hand. I glued the paper on the box with watered down glue. Cut a hole for the curtain rod to insert, am in the process of added trim to the edge and hope to design a door for it this next week.
Webster describes the word ''closet", as a small room, enclosed recess where it is private and secluded. It also says it is a dark state of secrecy or carefully guarded privacy. In other words something that only we would know about! I don't know about you, but if someone calls and my home is in disarray, where is the first place I think to stash things? The closet! I am sure the "stuff" will be out of sight and no one will ever open it up and investigate what is in there! But then my closets get filled with junk and it is time to do cleaning. When this happens, I keep reminding myself, perhaps if I had taken a little time for cleaning when it happened, it wouldn't seem so overwhelming to me! Can I get an "Amen Sista?"
And so begins my mentoring thoughts today. Is there bitterness, guilt, or some sin that you have carried way too long and is beginning to crowd in on the new clothes that Christ gave you to wear? Then perhaps it is time to do a little closet cleaning! Ephesians 5 is a great place to look at the difference of living in the darkness compared to the light. Ephesians 5:8-11 says: "For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them." (NIV) David must have had some closet cleaning to do himself, for he says in Psalm 32:5: "Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave the guilt of my sin."
This week's blog is in two parts. I think this idea of closet cleaning is important to address because it is those hidden things, that hinder us. They affect our walk with Christ, they affect our love for others, and they can even affect our health! David said in the same chapter in Psalm 32:3-4: "When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer." Pretty vivid picture huh?
To go along with our theme, I am posting a two-part work in progress as well (because that is what just what we are, a work in progress!) I am making a closet for my American Girl doll clothes that I am taking to sell at the women's event in January. It is made from a box, shredded scrapbook paper, brown craft paper and a curtain rod I had on hand. I glued the paper on the box with watered down glue. Cut a hole for the curtain rod to insert, am in the process of added trim to the edge and hope to design a door for it this next week.
The completed project will be done hopefully next week!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Mentoring Woman: All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go!
Mentoring Woman: All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go!: I'm posting early this week but wanted to show you my latest creation. I purchased a sparkly tube top, that was already lined, on clear...
All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go!
I'm posting early this week but wanted to show you my latest creation. I purchased a sparkly tube top, that was already lined, on clearance for $.50 at my favorite thrift store and sewed two doll dresses out of it! No pattern necessary, it is a simple straight dress with binding tape for the shoulder straps and a scrap of fake fur at the front. The shoes are made out of decorative duct tape. Did you know that Dollar General actually sells glittered tape in gold and silver? Every crafters dream! A U-Tube video for the making the shoes is linked here: The purse is made out of a little plastic container that those floss brushes come in and covered with the decorative tape and the same binding hot glued on for the handle.
I asked one of my granddaughter's her advice on this project. I was afraid it was too fancy for American Girl Dolls. She said something that I can't quite get out of my mind, "Grandma, even American Girl Dolls get to go to the prom!"
Reminds me of Revelation 10:1 "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands."
My mentoring thought today is this: One day, we who accepted Christ as our Saviour, will stand before His glorious throne wearing the new garments that God has fashioned for us. We will be joined by countless others from all over this world! What a glorious day and it will certainly be more wonderful than any prom could ever be! I find it so humbling to know that because of Christ's great sacrifice, He made a way for this American Girl to join in this joyous celebration! All dressed up in the robes of His righteousness.
Reminds me of Revelation 10:1 "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands."
My mentoring thought today is this: One day, we who accepted Christ as our Saviour, will stand before His glorious throne wearing the new garments that God has fashioned for us. We will be joined by countless others from all over this world! What a glorious day and it will certainly be more wonderful than any prom could ever be! I find it so humbling to know that because of Christ's great sacrifice, He made a way for this American Girl to join in this joyous celebration! All dressed up in the robes of His righteousness.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Mentoring Woman: THE APPLE OF HIS EYE
Mentoring Woman: THE APPLE OF HIS EYE: Happy Friday one and all! The week's just fly by don't they? I found myself in the mood for apple salad today, perhaps because of ...
Happy Friday one and all! The week's just fly by don't they? I found myself in the mood for apple salad today, perhaps because of this Fall weather. It was one of my favorite dishes that my grandma made and whenever I knew she was coming, I would beg her to bring it!
As I was making it and thinking about apples, I remembered something in scripture about us being the "apple of God's eye". Zechariah (a prophet in the Old Testament during the restoration time after the captivity in Babylon) says in Zech. 2:8: "For this is what the Lord Almighty says: "After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have plundered you--for whoever touches you, touches the apple of His eye."
It stands to reason, that He is not only talking about the nation of Israel, (which He certainly is in this text) but we, who believe on the name of Christ, as well. When we accept Christ as our personal Saviour, we are grafted (another orchard term) into all of God's blessings once we become a part of God's family. Just read Romans 11 if you have any doubts! That is why Paul made so many mission trips, to proclaim the good news to the gentiles, that salvation was theirs for the taking. Can you tell I have been in a bible study on Thessalonians?
What does it mean to be the apple of God's eye? I can only equate it to my children, their wives, and my grandchildren. I would definitely go to bat for any of them! I only want what is best for them and I delight myself in their accomplishments. There is nothing they can do that would diminish my love, for they will always be a part of my family. I love them all as much as humanly possible. But don't mess with them, because then you mess with me! Do you feel threatened? I am sure you would do the same for those you love.
Here is my mentoring thought today: Sometimes, it is hard for us to accept this kind of love from God, simply because we feel so unworthy, but God said it and we must believe it! What a comfort it is to know that we serve a God who delights in us! May you just take a few moments and bathe in that thought this day.
Here is my grandma's apple salad recipe. I can't ever remember her saying "I was the apple of her eye" but I am sure I must have been, because she frequently made this recipe just for me.
As I was making it and thinking about apples, I remembered something in scripture about us being the "apple of God's eye". Zechariah (a prophet in the Old Testament during the restoration time after the captivity in Babylon) says in Zech. 2:8: "For this is what the Lord Almighty says: "After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have plundered you--for whoever touches you, touches the apple of His eye."
It stands to reason, that He is not only talking about the nation of Israel, (which He certainly is in this text) but we, who believe on the name of Christ, as well. When we accept Christ as our personal Saviour, we are grafted (another orchard term) into all of God's blessings once we become a part of God's family. Just read Romans 11 if you have any doubts! That is why Paul made so many mission trips, to proclaim the good news to the gentiles, that salvation was theirs for the taking. Can you tell I have been in a bible study on Thessalonians?
What does it mean to be the apple of God's eye? I can only equate it to my children, their wives, and my grandchildren. I would definitely go to bat for any of them! I only want what is best for them and I delight myself in their accomplishments. There is nothing they can do that would diminish my love, for they will always be a part of my family. I love them all as much as humanly possible. But don't mess with them, because then you mess with me! Do you feel threatened? I am sure you would do the same for those you love.
Here is my mentoring thought today: Sometimes, it is hard for us to accept this kind of love from God, simply because we feel so unworthy, but God said it and we must believe it! What a comfort it is to know that we serve a God who delights in us! May you just take a few moments and bathe in that thought this day.
Here is my grandma's apple salad recipe. I can't ever remember her saying "I was the apple of her eye" but I am sure I must have been, because she frequently made this recipe just for me.
2 apples (I used Honey Crisp, but any kind will do)
I also sprinkled a little lemon juice on the top to prevent the apples from browning
1-2 stalks celery
Grapes (the amount and kind you like)
1/2 cup of colby cheese cut into chunks (because grandma always did)
A handful of honey roasted peanuts, walnuts, or pecans
1 cup of minature marshmallows (either colored or white)
1 cup of minature marshmallows (either colored or white)
Sometimes grandma would also add a can of drained mandarin oranges or pineapple
Mix 1/2 cup miracle whip (you could also use mayo if you like, but I personally think the miracle whip adds a nice tang to it) and 1/4 cup sugar together. Then add to apple mixture.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "Bearly" Gettin By!
Mentoring Woman: "Bearly" Gettin By!: Hello everyone! The clouds are hanging dark and gloomy over this October day, but I choose to be sunny inside this heart of mine, for I am ...
"Bearly" Gettin By!
Hello everyone! The clouds are hanging dark and gloomy over this October day, but I choose to be sunny inside this heart of mine, for I am striving to be content. This is a tough thing to achieve, for it flies against everything the world shows and tells us to do. But the principle and solution for contentment comes to us right out of scripture. Paul says in Philippians 4:11-13: "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." And in I Timothy 6:6: "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."
Now for my mentoring thoughts: Have you ever heard someone reply to the question, "How are you doing?" with the answer "We're barely getting by." I don't remember ever wanting for much as a child. We had clothes, food, and the love of a family. What more could a kid want? But I think the pressure is greater now than then. Movie star homes and lives, were a real luxury to my generation, but now it is to be concerned as norm. But striving for these achievements, might be hindering us from being who and doing what God wants. Since others have newer homes, I choose not to extend hospitality or open up my small home to others. Since others have nicer clothes, I choose not to attend church or bible studies until I can get that extreme makeover or lose some of these extra pounds. See where I am going with this? By shutting ourselves off with these excuses, we are really showing our lack of contentment.
Just some random thoughts I had today. I hope I didn't step on too many toes, but as I was writing this, I searched my own heart for places where I show discontentment, and there were several. We're all in this together with the same feelings and insecurities. Just a reminder for us to be ever grateful and content for what we have!
To go along with our "bear" theme, I wanted to post a quilt top that I got at my favorite thrift shop for $1.50. I also purchased the backing and batting for $1.00 each there. Now, I am not a bonafide quilt maker, but I'm content with that! I am sewing around the bears and am going to try my hand at free motion quilting around the border. Wish me luck, and if it turns out, I will post pictures. But, so what if it doesn't turn out? It cost me $3.00 to try and with that I am content!
Friday, September 26, 2014
Mentoring Woman: Get Back On The Horse!
Mentoring Woman: Get Back On The Horse!: It is officially Fall and with it brings apples. We have a small orchard in the back yard and last year we had apples coming out of our...
Get Back On The Horse!
Thus, begins my mentoring analogy and encouragement for this week. Perhaps you are a new believer or have been around the block for a few years, and you just don't feel comfortable praying out loud. I remember that feeling. First you feel like you are talking to the wind (and in a way you are, the Holy Spirit is described in this way) and it is awkward when you hear yourself speak your thoughts out loud to God. Then the devil enters into the equation and tells you that everyone is critiquing your words and what you are praying is not as professional sounding as the woman sitting next to you. But that could not be farther from the truth! When you speak what is on your heart, your sister's in Christ can hear, be edified, and agree to what you are praying about. James 5:16 says: "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man (or woman) is powerful and effective."
When I was about 10 years old, I got bucked off a horse and I have the scar on my right palm to prove it (I grabbed the barbed wire when I was falling). One of the hardest things I ever did was get back on a horse again. Ladies, I am urging you to get back on the horse! If you need help in this area, start out praying just a sentence or give a praise until you build your confidence. Believe me when I say this, all of us started there! Why is this so important? Because it is a vital step in our spiritual growth and we encourage our sisters when they hear us praying for their requests. Come on girl, you got this!
2 cups flour
2/3 cup shortening (I like to use the Crisco Butter Flavored)
3/4 teaspoon salt
4-6 Tablespoons cold water (Use the minimum amount)
Makes enough dough for top and bottom crust
Here is my secret for combining everything
![]() |
I put everything into a food processor and begin to add enough water until it forms a ball |
Next, roll out on a flour surface until it is a little larger than your pie pan
Slice up enough apples to fill the pan and mix them in a bowl
with 3-4 Tablespoons flour (to thicken the pie)
1 Tablespoon of cinnamon
3/4 -1 cup sugar (depending on how tart your apples are)
Place bottom pie crust in pan and add apple mixture
Dot with pats of butter or margarine
Place top crust on
Crimp (technical term) the edges (as shown)
Spread some milk over the top and dust with sugar (gives it a nice brown crust)
Vent top as indicated in first picture above
Bake for 15 minutes at 425 degrees
Then reduce to 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until it
gets brown.
Final Yummy result! HAPPY FALL!!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Mentoring Woman: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO GET COMPLICATED!: I am thinking about the "Food Network" again (told you I was a fan). There is a show called "Semi-Homemade" hosted by S...
I am thinking about the "Food Network" again (told you I was a fan). There is a show called "Semi-Homemade" hosted by Sandra Lee (not to be confused with Sandra Dee, who was an actress from the 50's and mentioned in the song from "Grease").
Sandra Lee takes already prepared mixes and packages of food to give her own spin on recipes. It reminds me of a song by Barbara Mandrel called "I Was Country When Country Wasn't Cool!" I have been doing this all of my married 45 years! I've used chili mix, instant puddings, and boxed scalloped or instant potatoes to create all kinds of dishes. Just ask my husband! Sometimes they were a hit and other times they were just "tasty" (which was my signal for perhaps I had better tweak the recipe or think about not fixing that one again!)
With today's challenges and schedules, it's okay for us to take shortcuts. Not everything needs to be made from scratch or take hours of preparation. It's okay that the living room isn't always picked up, after all you are living there, and chances are "Home and Garden" will not be calling you to come out and do a photo shoot! When I find myself getting caught up in the mindset that everything must be perfect, I remind myself to take a deep breath and repeat a phrase that a friend of mine always likes to say, "Let it go Louie"!
Proverbs 17:1 says: "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife."
My mentoring thought today is this: We can have the grandest of meals and the cleanest of homes but if we stress ourselves out and everyone around us in the process, what real gain do we have? I am not advocating filthy homes or laziness, but I am saying that it's okay to breathe once in awhile and "Let It Go Louie"!
My semi-homemade project this week is this one. I bought a dishtowel and a hot pad on sale for $.75 each (quite the end of the summer bargain shopper) and sewed the two together. Then I sewed a button on front and added an applique I had on hand. Now I can hook it on my stove to wipe my hands all for the low, low, price of $1.50! As Sandra Lee says "Keep it simple, keep it fun, and keep it semi-homemade!"
Sandra Lee takes already prepared mixes and packages of food to give her own spin on recipes. It reminds me of a song by Barbara Mandrel called "I Was Country When Country Wasn't Cool!" I have been doing this all of my married 45 years! I've used chili mix, instant puddings, and boxed scalloped or instant potatoes to create all kinds of dishes. Just ask my husband! Sometimes they were a hit and other times they were just "tasty" (which was my signal for perhaps I had better tweak the recipe or think about not fixing that one again!)
With today's challenges and schedules, it's okay for us to take shortcuts. Not everything needs to be made from scratch or take hours of preparation. It's okay that the living room isn't always picked up, after all you are living there, and chances are "Home and Garden" will not be calling you to come out and do a photo shoot! When I find myself getting caught up in the mindset that everything must be perfect, I remind myself to take a deep breath and repeat a phrase that a friend of mine always likes to say, "Let it go Louie"!
Proverbs 17:1 says: "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife."
My mentoring thought today is this: We can have the grandest of meals and the cleanest of homes but if we stress ourselves out and everyone around us in the process, what real gain do we have? I am not advocating filthy homes or laziness, but I am saying that it's okay to breathe once in awhile and "Let It Go Louie"!
My semi-homemade project this week is this one. I bought a dishtowel and a hot pad on sale for $.75 each (quite the end of the summer bargain shopper) and sewed the two together. Then I sewed a button on front and added an applique I had on hand. Now I can hook it on my stove to wipe my hands all for the low, low, price of $1.50! As Sandra Lee says "Keep it simple, keep it fun, and keep it semi-homemade!"
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Sewn on top and bottom of potholder |
![]() |
Added applique |
Friday, September 12, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "CAPE HAVE NO FEAR"
Mentoring Woman: "CAPE HAVE NO FEAR": I have been thinking about coverings and capes this week. I am back at my sewing machine and am making a cape for a 18" doll. I am beg...
I have been thinking about coverings and capes this week. I am back at my sewing machine and am making a cape for a 18" doll. I am beginning to sew things for a booth at our annual Women's Cruise held at church each year. Yes, I said a cruise at the church! The whole church is set up as a cruise ship to some destination theme port (i.e. Hawaii, Mexico, etc.). There are workshops to attend both spiritual and craft ones, a bazaar to shop at (that is where I come in), a health fair, and a themed lunch. This is all for the low, low price of $10.00! Fun, huh? This might stir up something interesting for your own women's ministry.
As I was thinking about making this covering, a scripture came to mind found in Psalm 91:4: "He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Jesus uses a somewhat similar illustration in Matthew 23:37: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing."
There is an old movie from 1962 called "Cape Fear" It stars Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchem, Polly Bergen, and other actors. It is a movie about an ex-con tracking down a lawyer and his family through the backwoods in an act of revenge. It was taken from a novel of John MacDonald and is very suspenseful to watch, in fact almost fearful (thus the name)! It is one of those shows that you have to remind yourself "it's just a movie!" However, there are many things in real life that can cause us to fear. Money issues, world crisis, job security, raising children, marital problems, and so forth.
My mentoring reminder today is this: We do not need to fear! Our God promises to keep us under His wings of refuge and our scripture says, He is faithful to do this! Also notice what Jesus comments about Jerusalem, "But you were not willing." It takes some trusting on our part and we have to be willing to let God do this! When satan wants to cause us to worry and our mind wanders into parts unknown, we need to use scripture to combat it, It is the very thing that Jesus did in the wilderness and it's the only thing that will set our hearts and minds at ease. If we do this, and then recognize what a faithful God we have, than we should have no fear!
I do not have a pattern for this creation but I will tell you how I made it. I found a large platter that was round and traced around it. I cut it out and in this case I used corduroy. Then I cut that circle straight across about 3/4 way up. Then I used a small dessert plate to cut out a neck opening. I used fake fur to trim the neck and each front side. I then used bias tape around the bottom and cut slits for the arm holes and sewed bias tape around them also. Nothing too hard...if I can do it, you can! The great part is the total cost was probably only $1.00 (not counting time of course).
As I was thinking about making this covering, a scripture came to mind found in Psalm 91:4: "He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Jesus uses a somewhat similar illustration in Matthew 23:37: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing."
There is an old movie from 1962 called "Cape Fear" It stars Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchem, Polly Bergen, and other actors. It is a movie about an ex-con tracking down a lawyer and his family through the backwoods in an act of revenge. It was taken from a novel of John MacDonald and is very suspenseful to watch, in fact almost fearful (thus the name)! It is one of those shows that you have to remind yourself "it's just a movie!" However, there are many things in real life that can cause us to fear. Money issues, world crisis, job security, raising children, marital problems, and so forth.
My mentoring reminder today is this: We do not need to fear! Our God promises to keep us under His wings of refuge and our scripture says, He is faithful to do this! Also notice what Jesus comments about Jerusalem, "But you were not willing." It takes some trusting on our part and we have to be willing to let God do this! When satan wants to cause us to worry and our mind wanders into parts unknown, we need to use scripture to combat it, It is the very thing that Jesus did in the wilderness and it's the only thing that will set our hearts and minds at ease. If we do this, and then recognize what a faithful God we have, than we should have no fear!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Mentoring Woman: IS YOUR NOSE GROWING?
Mentoring Woman: IS YOUR NOSE GROWING?: Do you ever exaggerate the truth in order to get your point across? Take for instance, the other night I was sitting in my chair, and out ...
Mentoring Woman: IS YOUR NOSE GROWING?
Mentoring Woman: IS YOUR NOSE GROWING?: Do you ever exaggerate the truth in order to get your point across? Take for instance, the other night I was sitting in my chair, and out ...
Do you ever exaggerate the truth in order to get your point across? Take for instance, the other night I was sitting in my chair, and out of the corner of my eye I see this quick movement. I looked and saw a huge spider! I was just about to give him a big headache, when he takes off into the furnace duct. The next day I was describing this "close encounter of the third kind" to my husband and said to him "The spider was as big as a saucer!"
Such was the case of the Israelites in Deuteronomy 1:27. Moses tells us that when the people chose to rebel against the Lord they said things like "the Lord hates us" (Deut. 1:27) "the cities are large with walls up to the sky!" (Deut. 1:28) Seriously, up to the sky? Who but God could build a wall that high? Quite an exaggeration huh? Bottom line was...the Israelites lacked the faith to trust God. Just as we all do sometimes! But good old Moses tries to calm their fears in these three ways:
You know it is a old one when it is yellowed like this one. It is not even my handwriting so I don't know where it came from. But it is a great one and that is no exaggeration!
Such was the case of the Israelites in Deuteronomy 1:27. Moses tells us that when the people chose to rebel against the Lord they said things like "the Lord hates us" (Deut. 1:27) "the cities are large with walls up to the sky!" (Deut. 1:28) Seriously, up to the sky? Who but God could build a wall that high? Quite an exaggeration huh? Bottom line was...the Israelites lacked the faith to trust God. Just as we all do sometimes! But good old Moses tries to calm their fears in these three ways:
- He reminds them that the battle is not theirs, it is the Lord's. (Deut. 1:30, "The Lord your God is going before you, He will fight for you"
- He reminds them of their past victories. (Deut 1:30, "as He did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the desert."
- He reminds them of God's faithfulness to them. (Deut. 1:31, "There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place."
My mentoring challenge for us today is this: If we sometimes feel the walls in our life are literally up to the sky, then perhaps these words from Moses will comfort our fears. We must remember God is for us! Romans 8:31,32 says: "If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" We should think on the ways God has met our needs in the past then if we do both these things, we will discover He has, and will be, faithful to you.
Oh, and by the way, just so you know, that spider WAS as big as a saucer!
I'm sharing my "No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie" recipe. It is a family favorite (especially my husband's). Come to think of it, I bet he is loving this blog because I keep pulling out and making his favorites once again.
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup milk
Mix ingredients together and boil in a pan over the store.
After mixture begins a rolling boil, keep boiling for 1 more minute.
Remove from heat. Add 1/2 cup peanut butter and 1 tsp. vanilla. Stir until peanut butter melts. Mix in 2 cups rolled quick oats and drop onto a sheet of waxed paper. If you want a almond joy kind of taste you could add a little coconut.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Mentoring Woman: CALL ME WHAT YOU WILL!
Mentoring Woman: CALL ME WHAT YOU WILL!: I have a habit of giving my kids and grandchildren nicknames. I don't know why, other than the fact that I was called a nickname by my...
I have a habit of giving my kids and grandchildren nicknames. I don't know why, other than the fact that I was called a nickname by my grandpa and dad. Grandpa always called me "Betsy" even though my name was Becky and dad called me "Sears", I suppose after Sears and Roebuck (get it??? Roebuck and Rebecca...yeah, me either). Anyway, now that I am older, I recall those names with great affection.
Do the names Hannaniah, Mishael, and Azariah sound familiar from the Bible? How about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? They are one and the same people! When the Jewish nation was taken into Babylon, these men were taken into the kings court. In Daniel 1:4-5 it says of them: "young men without any physical defect, handsome showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace. He (Ashpenaz, chief of the court officials) was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians. The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the king's table. They were to be trained for three years, and after that they were to enter the king's service."
Something struck me about this whole scenario, the king and those serving him, thought by changing these men's names and training them for three years, they would better fit into the culture. But because of these men's strong beliefs, their hearts remained the same. We remember the story from scripture that Daniel and these three men chose not to defile themselves with the royal food and wine and when the ultimate challenge came of bowing down and worshiping the king, their refusal led them to be cast into a fiery furnace. (Daniel 3:16-30) Because of their refusal to go along with the culture, God chose to use them in a mighty way.
I am sure you see where my mentoring challenge is going today. As women, we need to give prayerful consideration to our boundaries with today's culture, not only for ourselves, but for our children. Some things we can let slide (like perhaps a name change) but some things God may be calling us to take a stand on. This looks different for each one of us but basing our decisions on the word of God remains the stable force in our decision making. May God use each one of us to change and influence this world for His glory!
I'm posting a go-to recipe for a simple salad dressing that my mom always made at home. Some might call it French Dressing or Catalina (not sure of the difference). "Call it what you will", when the boys were growing up, if I didn't have the time to go to the grocery, this was the dressing I made since I always seemed to have the ingredients on hand. You would think it would be super sweet, but the vinegar gives it a tartness and adds a little punch to the sweetness of it. You could also add garlic powder if you wanted to add another flavor.
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup ketchup
Mix all ingredients in a jar and shake it up.
Serve over salad. Keeps in the refrigerator for several weeks.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "COMFORT FOOD"
Mentoring Woman: "COMFORT FOOD": I am busy making two pans of peach crisp today. We bought some Red Haven Peaches from Michigan this past weekend. Now you know peaches are ...
I am busy making two pans of peach crisp today. We bought some Red Haven Peaches from Michigan this past weekend. Now you know peaches are ripe when the juice is dripping down your arm as you peel them. YUM! Little did I know when I bought them the reason I would be making a crisp this very day. You see, I just heard that the daughter of our retired pastor, died this morning. She and her husband were missionaries overseas in Turkey. It is so hard to understand why this happened because you would think that serving the Lord in this capacity would exempt a family from such happenings. However, it gives me comfort to know "that God's ways are not our ways" and He has a greater plan and purpose to our lives. Dorcas's mother, was a lovely Christian lady, who died a few years ago so I am sure they are having quite a reunion in Heaven this very day!
For those of us left behind, it is hard to know what to do or what to say in these circumstances so I thought I would make a peach crisp and run it by Pastor's home this evening. I was born in the Northern part of Missouri, and I can tell you when someone passes away in that community you have no shortage of food. When my father died several years ago we had more food than we had room in the refrigerator for! What a blessing that we did not have to be concerned with preparing food at such a stressful time.
My mentoring nudge today is this: "When in doubt do!" Don't wait for someone to call you to minister to someone who might be grieving. Believe me when I say that this is because it is years of wisdom speaking. Do make or take something to the grieving family or simply stop by and visit for a few minutes they need and they want to talk. Don't know what to say? Then just listen! I have stopped at the dollar store and bought coffee, toilet paper, kleenex, or disposable cups and plates if I didn't have time to bake anything. With extra family and friends around who really wants to go to the store and purchase these necessary things? 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." Because our family was comforted by neighbors and friends, then it should make me want to do the same for someone else and after all, this is a "Pay It Forward" concept instituted by God!
Here's the Peach Crisp recipe I used. It was a snap to put together and hopefully will show the family that our prayers and thoughts are with them.
For those of us left behind, it is hard to know what to do or what to say in these circumstances so I thought I would make a peach crisp and run it by Pastor's home this evening. I was born in the Northern part of Missouri, and I can tell you when someone passes away in that community you have no shortage of food. When my father died several years ago we had more food than we had room in the refrigerator for! What a blessing that we did not have to be concerned with preparing food at such a stressful time.
My mentoring nudge today is this: "When in doubt do!" Don't wait for someone to call you to minister to someone who might be grieving. Believe me when I say that this is because it is years of wisdom speaking. Do make or take something to the grieving family or simply stop by and visit for a few minutes they need and they want to talk. Don't know what to say? Then just listen! I have stopped at the dollar store and bought coffee, toilet paper, kleenex, or disposable cups and plates if I didn't have time to bake anything. With extra family and friends around who really wants to go to the store and purchase these necessary things? 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." Because our family was comforted by neighbors and friends, then it should make me want to do the same for someone else and after all, this is a "Pay It Forward" concept instituted by God!
Here's the Peach Crisp recipe I used. It was a snap to put together and hopefully will show the family that our prayers and thoughts are with them.
6 Fresh Peaches (Or you could use 1 large canned of sliced peaches minus half the juice)
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over the peaches
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 pkg of instant brown sugar oatmeal (the ones in packages)
Crumble together using your hands
Sprinkle this mixture over the peaches
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until the top is brown and crispy.
This would also be great with apples!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Mentoring Woman: "Something Out Of Nothing"
Mentoring Woman: "Something Out Of Nothing": I have another confession to make this week...I am a Food Network Junkie! There I've said it! Give me "Guy's Grocery Games&qu...
"Something Out Of Nothing"
I have another confession to make this week...I am a Food Network Junkie! There I've said it! Give me "Guy's Grocery Games", "The Next Food Network Star", and "Iron Chef" and I am a happy woman. I especially love the show "Chopped". The fact that contestants can take a few random ingredients out of a basket and make an appetizer, main course, or a dessert is incredible! Last week they had the Junior Championship and kids who were 14 years old or younger were making dishes out octopus and bison steaks! Now that is a feat!
I asked my husband once to pick out some things from the pantry and freezer because I wanted to try my skills at this endeavor. Now, he doesn't watch the show much so I got things like fish sticks, mozzerella sticks, brocolli and cookies to try and make something out of. YUCK! Needless to say our stomachs were upset the rest of the night! Today I am going to try it again and pick some random ingredients out for myself. (Lesson learned last time!) I have some zuchinni, onions, and potatoes from the garden that need to be used and a steak in the freezer that was bought in April so here I go:
I just love the sautes of various vegetables you can order at restaurants, so I think I will go that route. I thought I had some green peppers to add to the mix but I guess not, so think I will just use celery instead and add some carrots. Those little round green things in the picture (that look like small pumpkins) are a new type of zuchinni I tried this year. I really liked it, because it grilled well and didn't have those big seeds that the long ones do. I cut all the vegetables up into like sized pieces and rubbed them with olive oil. I then sprinkled with the garlic herb seasoning salt (that I bought for $1.00 at Big Lot's, I might add) and popped them in the oven for 40-45 minutes at 350 degrees until they were tender. The kitchen started really smelling yummy! Don't I sound just like the hosts of those shows?
Then for dessert I thought I would make two parfaits. I did this all the time when the boys were growing up. In this case I used some vanilla pudding mixed with Almond Milk, crumbled chocolate coated cookies, cool whip and pears (in those little lunch containers) and topped it with some of my homemade strawberry jam (which a friend told me the other day could be eaten by itself for dessert with a spoon!) I used my single smoothie maker and crumbled up the cookies then I put them in the parfait glass first, then a layer of the pudding, then the pears divided into the two containers, then cool whip and ended with the strawberry jam. (Picture below) At this point I must confess that since I already had the smoothie maker out so I put a couple more cookies, a scoop of butter pecan ice cream and almond milk into it, and made a milkshake that would compete with Dairy Queen! (That was another "Round Two Idea" at no extra charge!)
Next, it was time to tackle the steak. I trimmed it and cut up into bite sized pieces. I had some Teriyaki Marinate in the pantry and seasoned salt so I sprinkled that over the meat and marinated it for 3 hours like the bottle indicated in a plastic zip lock bag. Then I got out my trusty iron skillet and put a little olive oil and butter in it and browned the steak. I tasted it and did not care for the Asian flavor I was getting, so I added a few tablespoons of brown sugar and that made the mixture too sweet, so I then added some Worchestershire sauce and A-1 Steak sauce to the mix and then it was just right! (I sound like Goldlilocks don't I?) Much to my delight, this also created a wonderful pan sauce to pour over it!
My mom was always good at making something from nothing, probably because with 7 of us in the family she had to really make the groceries stretch. She was the original "Semi-Homemade Sandra Lee!" Here's what my final creation looked like:
I had to taste it for seasoning (yeah right) and it is gonna be a winner, winner, chicken dinner! (or steak in this case.)
Now for our mentoring thought: I don't know if you ever thought about it, but God is the ultimate champion of making something from nothing. In Genesis 1:2-5 "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and darkness he called "night". And there was evening and there was morning--the first day." He just spoke at it all came into being and it was very good the scripture says! If we serve a God like that, I think we can trust Him with our children at school this year, our struggles with our health, our disappointments and griefs that we must bear in this life. The thing about this wonderful God that we serve, once we trust Jesus as our Saviour, we will never be chopped!
I asked my husband once to pick out some things from the pantry and freezer because I wanted to try my skills at this endeavor. Now, he doesn't watch the show much so I got things like fish sticks, mozzerella sticks, brocolli and cookies to try and make something out of. YUCK! Needless to say our stomachs were upset the rest of the night! Today I am going to try it again and pick some random ingredients out for myself. (Lesson learned last time!) I have some zuchinni, onions, and potatoes from the garden that need to be used and a steak in the freezer that was bought in April so here I go:
I just love the sautes of various vegetables you can order at restaurants, so I think I will go that route. I thought I had some green peppers to add to the mix but I guess not, so think I will just use celery instead and add some carrots. Those little round green things in the picture (that look like small pumpkins) are a new type of zuchinni I tried this year. I really liked it, because it grilled well and didn't have those big seeds that the long ones do. I cut all the vegetables up into like sized pieces and rubbed them with olive oil. I then sprinkled with the garlic herb seasoning salt (that I bought for $1.00 at Big Lot's, I might add) and popped them in the oven for 40-45 minutes at 350 degrees until they were tender. The kitchen started really smelling yummy! Don't I sound just like the hosts of those shows?
Then for dessert I thought I would make two parfaits. I did this all the time when the boys were growing up. In this case I used some vanilla pudding mixed with Almond Milk, crumbled chocolate coated cookies, cool whip and pears (in those little lunch containers) and topped it with some of my homemade strawberry jam (which a friend told me the other day could be eaten by itself for dessert with a spoon!) I used my single smoothie maker and crumbled up the cookies then I put them in the parfait glass first, then a layer of the pudding, then the pears divided into the two containers, then cool whip and ended with the strawberry jam. (Picture below) At this point I must confess that since I already had the smoothie maker out so I put a couple more cookies, a scoop of butter pecan ice cream and almond milk into it, and made a milkshake that would compete with Dairy Queen! (That was another "Round Two Idea" at no extra charge!)
Next, it was time to tackle the steak. I trimmed it and cut up into bite sized pieces. I had some Teriyaki Marinate in the pantry and seasoned salt so I sprinkled that over the meat and marinated it for 3 hours like the bottle indicated in a plastic zip lock bag. Then I got out my trusty iron skillet and put a little olive oil and butter in it and browned the steak. I tasted it and did not care for the Asian flavor I was getting, so I added a few tablespoons of brown sugar and that made the mixture too sweet, so I then added some Worchestershire sauce and A-1 Steak sauce to the mix and then it was just right! (I sound like Goldlilocks don't I?) Much to my delight, this also created a wonderful pan sauce to pour over it!
My mom was always good at making something from nothing, probably because with 7 of us in the family she had to really make the groceries stretch. She was the original "Semi-Homemade Sandra Lee!" Here's what my final creation looked like:
Now for our mentoring thought: I don't know if you ever thought about it, but God is the ultimate champion of making something from nothing. In Genesis 1:2-5 "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and darkness he called "night". And there was evening and there was morning--the first day." He just spoke at it all came into being and it was very good the scripture says! If we serve a God like that, I think we can trust Him with our children at school this year, our struggles with our health, our disappointments and griefs that we must bear in this life. The thing about this wonderful God that we serve, once we trust Jesus as our Saviour, we will never be chopped!
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