Friday, September 19, 2014


I am thinking about the "Food Network" again (told you I was a fan).  There is a show called "Semi-Homemade" hosted by Sandra Lee (not to be confused with Sandra Dee, who was an actress from the 50's and mentioned in the song from "Grease").

Sandra Lee takes already prepared mixes and packages of food to give her own spin on recipes.  It reminds me of a song by Barbara Mandrel called "I Was Country When Country Wasn't Cool!" I have been doing this all of my married 45 years!  I've used chili mix, instant puddings, and boxed scalloped or instant potatoes to create all kinds of dishes.  Just ask my husband!  Sometimes they were a hit and other times they were just "tasty" (which was my signal for perhaps I had better tweak the recipe or think about not fixing that one again!)

With today's challenges and schedules, it's okay for us to take shortcuts.  Not everything needs to be made from scratch or take hours of preparation.  It's okay that the living room isn't always picked up, after all you are living there, and chances are "Home and Garden" will not be calling you to come out and do a photo shoot!  When I find myself getting caught up in the mindset that everything must be perfect, I remind myself to take a deep breath and repeat a phrase that a friend of mine always likes to say, "Let it go Louie"!

Proverbs 17:1 says:  "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife."
My mentoring thought today is this:  We can have the grandest of meals and the cleanest of homes but if we stress ourselves out and everyone around us in the process, what real gain do we have?  I am not advocating filthy homes or laziness, but I am saying that it's okay to breathe once in awhile and "Let It Go Louie"!

My semi-homemade project this week is this one.  I bought a dishtowel and a hot pad on sale for $.75 each (quite the end of the summer bargain shopper) and sewed the two together.  Then I sewed a button on front and added an applique I had on hand.  Now I can hook it on my stove to wipe my hands all for the low, low, price of $1.50! As Sandra Lee says "Keep it simple, keep it fun, and keep it semi-homemade!"

Sewn on top and bottom of potholder

Added applique

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