Friday, September 26, 2014

Get Back On The Horse!

It is officially Fall and with it brings apples.  We have a small orchard in the back yard and last year we had apples coming out of our ears, but this year not so much.  I did get enough to put up a batch of applesauce and make this apple pie.

Now lest you be too impressed, let me tell you of my first pie experience.  When I was a young bride, I decided to make both a pumpkin and cherry pie. My brain was telling me, "How hard can this be?" But reality soon set in!  The crust did not have enough moisture in it, so it wouldn't hold together, and every time I tried to roll it out, it fell apart!  My ever sweet, and helpful husband, saw how frustrated I was becoming and tried to help me.  Finally, we took a brown paper bag (back in the day before plastic ones) and we ripped it open and rolled the pie crust out on that.  How we ever transferred it to the pie pan, I have no idea!  I'm sure my first pie was not very professional and I know it was certainly awkward to make.  Making good pies has taken years of continued practice!

Thus, begins my mentoring analogy and encouragement for this week.  Perhaps you are a new believer or have been around the block for a few years, and you just don't feel comfortable praying out loud.  I remember that feeling.  First you feel like you are talking to the wind (and in a way you are, the Holy Spirit is described in this way) and it is awkward when you hear yourself speak your thoughts out loud to God.  Then the devil enters into the equation and tells you that everyone is critiquing your words and what you are praying is not as professional sounding as the woman sitting next to you.  But that could not be farther from the truth! When you speak what is on your heart, your sister's in Christ can hear, be edified, and agree to what you are praying about.  James 5:16 says: "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man (or woman) is powerful and effective."

When I was about 10 years old, I got bucked off a horse and I have the scar on my right palm to prove it (I grabbed the barbed wire when I was falling).  One of the hardest things I ever did was get back on a horse again.  Ladies, I am urging you to get back on the horse!  If you need help in this area, start out praying just a sentence or give a praise until you build your confidence. Believe me when I say this, all of us started there! Why is this so important? Because it is a vital step in our spiritual growth and we encourage our sisters when they hear us praying for their requests.  Come on girl, you got this!


2 cups flour
2/3 cup shortening (I like to use the Crisco Butter Flavored)
3/4 teaspoon salt
4-6 Tablespoons cold water (Use the minimum amount)
Makes enough dough for top and bottom crust

Here is my secret for combining everything
I put everything into a food processor and begin to add enough water until it forms a ball

 Next, roll out on a flour surface until it is a little larger than your pie pan

Slice up enough apples to fill the pan and mix them in a bowl
 with 3-4 Tablespoons flour (to thicken the pie)
1 Tablespoon of cinnamon
3/4 -1 cup sugar (depending on how tart your apples are)
Place bottom pie crust in pan and add apple mixture
Dot with pats of butter or margarine

Place top crust on
Crimp (technical term) the edges (as shown)
Spread some milk over the top and dust with sugar (gives it a nice brown crust)
Vent top as indicated in first picture above
Bake for 15 minutes at 425 degrees
Then reduce to 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until it 
gets brown.

Final Yummy result!  HAPPY FALL!!

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