Friday, September 12, 2014


I have been thinking about coverings and capes this week. I am back at my sewing machine and am making a cape for a 18" doll.  I am beginning to sew things for a booth at our annual Women's Cruise held at church each year.  Yes, I said a cruise at the church!  The whole church is set up as a cruise ship to some destination theme port (i.e. Hawaii, Mexico, etc.).  There are workshops to attend both spiritual and craft ones, a bazaar to shop at (that is where I come in), a health fair, and a themed lunch.  This is all for the low, low price of $10.00!  Fun, huh?  This might stir up something interesting for your own women's ministry.

As I was thinking about making this covering, a scripture came to mind found in Psalm 91:4:  "He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."  Jesus uses a somewhat similar illustration in Matthew 23:37:  "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing."

There is an old movie from 1962 called "Cape Fear"  It stars Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchem, Polly Bergen, and other actors.  It is a movie about an ex-con tracking down a lawyer and his family through the backwoods in an act of revenge.  It was taken from a novel of John MacDonald and is very suspenseful to watch, in fact almost fearful (thus the name)!  It is one of those shows that you have to remind yourself "it's just a movie!"  However, there are many things in real life that can cause us to fear.  Money issues, world crisis, job security, raising children, marital problems, and so forth.

My mentoring reminder today is this:  We do not need to fear!  Our God promises to keep us under His wings of refuge and our scripture says, He is faithful to do this! Also notice what Jesus comments about Jerusalem, "But you were not willing."  It takes some trusting on our part and we have to be willing to let God do this!  When satan wants to cause us to worry and our mind wanders into parts unknown, we need to use scripture to combat it,  It is the very thing that Jesus did in the wilderness and it's the only thing that will set our hearts and minds at ease. If we do this, and then recognize what a faithful God we have, than we should have no fear!

I do not have a pattern for this creation but I will tell you how I made it.  I found a large platter that was round and traced around it.  I cut it out and in this case I used corduroy.  Then I cut that circle straight across about 3/4 way up. Then I used a small dessert plate to cut out a neck opening.  I used fake fur to trim the neck and each front side.  I then used bias tape around the bottom and cut slits for the arm holes and sewed bias tape around them also.  Nothing too hard...if I can do it, you can!  The great part is the total cost was probably only $1.00 (not counting time of course).

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