Friday, November 7, 2014


My American Girl Doll Creation This Week

You ever just have those moments when you know that you are supposed to do something?  I started out this week thinking about this very blog subject and then somewhere along the line got sidetracked onto another subject (a rabbit trail so to speak).  However, this week I am finishing a bible study with some other ladies on 1 and 2 Thessalonians called "Children Of The Day" by Beth Moore. Yesterday's study was about our feet and the responsibility and privilege we have as believers in Christ.  The world calls it an "Ah-Ha Moment" but I call it a "God Moment".

Since we have been friends for some time, I wanted to share my story today. I trusted Christ as my personal Savior when I was in grade school at a church camp one summer.  I realized that Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose on the third day.  I like to call it my "fire insurance conversion" because of what I know from scripture, I would have gone to heaven.  However, it wasn't until later on, I realized Christ wanted to be Lord of my life. At the age of 20 years old we were faced with a fire in the home we rented.  We lived in a farm house a 1/2 mile from our neighbors.  The fire started in the kitchen while my oldest son and I were outside.  I saw the smoke rolling up from the inside, where my middle son was asleep in his playpen, not 10 feet from the flames.  I ran around to the front door and grabbed him out of there, but the phone was already too hot to touch.  I knew my only recourse was to run that 1/2 mile down the road to the neighbors, since I did not have a car at my disposal.  There I was, with the hand of a four year old and a baby on my hip, running to the neighbors. Those who know me personally, know that I had polio as a child, so running a half a mile was no easy task for me (even though at the age of 20, I was in much better shape than I am now!) To make a long story short, the fire department was called and the fire was put out.  That afternoon, after everyone dispersed, we were left with a smoke filled house and no where to stay.  A girlfriend said her apartment was empty, since she was out of town, so we spent the night there.  I remember that night, my husband crying out loud to God, "God, if You are real, You are going to have to show Yourself to us, or we are moving lock, stock, and barrel back to Missouri where we came from!"  I know that may seem irreverent to some, but these were desperate times!  The next day, a little church where we had been attending at times, came with 3 carloads of food, kitchen utensils, and other necessities that we had lost in the fire and the pastor found us an apartment to stay for the duration of time while the house was being repaired.  We experienced first hand what "the feet" of Christ was all about and it began to be a life changing experience for us!

I share this with you for two reasons.  First to tell you that God cares for you just as He did us after the fire.  You were in His thoughts since the very beginning of time, so much so, that He sent His one and only son to die in your place and even though Christ was buried, He was raised on the 3rd day so that you can be raised and live with Him forever!   And as I did, all you need do, is tell Him that you believe this, and You want to live for Him.

The second reason, is to remind my sisters in Christ, that we are His feet to this world.  Remember how I told you I had polio?   As I have aged, I find it much harder to be His literal feet, so I have had to be more creative in how to tell the world, "The Good News".  These blogs have provided that avenue, for they have reached places than I could or would never go!  I have seen readers from Hungary, Germany, and South Korea check out this site!  How awesome is that?  My mentoring challenge for each of us today is this:  Where has God sent your feet to go?  It might be across the street to your neighbor, it might be the gym, or a classroom, or it might be a more far reaching place like Hungary or South Korea. Wherever it is, you sister, are His feet and as I entitled this blog "these boots are made for walkin!"

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