Friday, October 10, 2014


Happy Friday one and all!  The week's just fly by don't they?  I found myself in the mood for apple salad today, perhaps because of this Fall weather.  It was one of my favorite dishes that my grandma made and whenever I knew she was coming, I would beg her to bring it!

As I was making it and thinking about apples,  I remembered something in scripture about us being the "apple of God's eye".   Zechariah (a prophet in the Old Testament during the restoration time after the captivity in Babylon) says in Zech. 2:8:  "For this is what the Lord Almighty says: "After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have plundered you--for whoever touches you, touches the apple of His eye."

It stands to reason, that He is not only talking about the nation of Israel, (which He certainly is in this text) but we, who believe on the name of Christ, as well.  When we accept Christ as our personal Saviour, we are grafted (another orchard term) into all of God's blessings once we become a part of God's family.  Just read Romans 11 if you have any doubts! That is why Paul made so many mission trips, to proclaim the good news to the gentiles, that salvation was theirs for the taking.  Can you tell I have been in a bible study on Thessalonians?

What does it mean to be the apple of God's eye?  I can only equate it to my children, their wives, and my grandchildren.  I would definitely go to bat for any of them!  I only want what is best for them and I delight myself in their accomplishments.  There is nothing they can do that would diminish my love, for they will always be a part of my family. I love them all as much as humanly possible. But don't mess with them, because then you mess with me!  Do you feel threatened?  I am sure you would do the same for those you love.

Here is my mentoring thought today:  Sometimes, it is hard for us to accept this kind of love from God, simply because we feel so unworthy, but God said it and we must believe it!  What a comfort it is to know that we serve a God who delights in us!  May you just take a few moments and bathe in that thought this day.

Here is my grandma's apple salad recipe.  I can't ever remember her saying "I was the apple of her eye" but I am sure I must have been, because she frequently made this recipe just for me.


2 apples (I used Honey Crisp, but any kind will do)
I also sprinkled a little lemon juice on the top to prevent the apples from browning
1-2 stalks celery
Grapes (the amount and kind you like)
1/2 cup of colby cheese cut into chunks (because grandma always did)
A handful of honey roasted peanuts, walnuts, or pecans
1 cup of minature marshmallows (either colored or white)

Sometimes grandma would also add a can of drained mandarin oranges or pineapple

Mix 1/2 cup miracle whip (you could also use mayo if you like, but I personally think the miracle whip adds a nice tang to it)  and 1/4 cup sugar together.  Then add to apple mixture.

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