Friday, January 24, 2014


"Rip it out Becky and try again" are the words I can still hear my Home Economics teacher instructing me.  Do they even have Home Ec. classes anymore?  I was never known for my sewing skills.  In fact I used to laugh and say that is why the Good Lord gave me 3 boys because He knew I couldn't sew!  I'm posting a couple of pictures of some sewing projects I just completed.  As you can see, I have been sewing American Girl Doll clothes for granddaughter's and a great niece.  Now, before you are really impressed with my work and try to swamp me with orders, you need to know the countless times I had to rip out seams and even threatened to throw the project out the front door! But I persevered and now have some finished projects.

So begins my analogy for this week.  Paul tells us in James 1:4, "Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything." (NIV)  In order to gain the prize awaiting us in heaven we must persevere!    Is it easy?  NO!  That is why this place is not called HEAVEN. Does it sometimes take every ounce of our being not to throw it all out the front door?  YES!  But the final outcome will be worth it.  The scripture tells us that if as a born again believer we do persevere, we shall be clothed  in righteousness and that fit will be just perfect!  I am so looking forward to that, aren't you? I've included a link for a simple skirt pattern I designed for an 18" doll.  Believe me it is simple and could be finished in a half an hour.  This might even be a great project to begin sewing with your daughter or granddaughter.

Instructions for sewing skirt:
Fold hem line under 1/4" and then another 1/4" so raw edge is tucked under.  Like this:

Hem with straight stitch or hemming stitch.
Sew back seam 5/8" from the edge.
Press seam open
Sew a 1/2" tube at top (turning edge under).    Make sure you leave 1" opening to
insert elastic.
Feed 1/4 " elastic through the tube. (I attached a safety pin to the end of the elastic.
in order to feed it through the tube more easily). Like this:

Sew elastic pieces together going over them a few times.
Sew the 1" opening of the tube shut.  There you have it!  A simple skirt in under 1/2 hour and hopefully you didn't have to rip out one seam!

For a pattern of this skirt go to this link:

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