Friday, April 11, 2014


Hello and welcome Peeps!  Happy almost Palm Sunday!

I have to confess that I am not much of a marshmallow fan and that includes Smore's.  I know to some of you that seems almost unimaginable! However, to me, you can eat a spoonful of sugar (sorry Mary Poppins) and pretty much get the same results.  In fact, I had to buy this package special so I could try out this experiment.  I realize that some of you might have leftover "Peeps" after next week's Easter Egg Hunt, so this got me to wondering.  Could you use "Peeps" instead of marshmallows in the following recipe and get the same results?  Guess what?  You can!  Three of our grandchildren are staying over on Saturday night so this will be our movie watching snack.  Popcorn mixed with marshmallow and M & M's.  Nothing like getting them on a sugar high, right?

I've also been noticing the word "Peeps" used on a lot more on Facebook instead of the word "friends". My husband did not realize that this term existed and accused me of making it up.  But of course I am ever on the cutting edge of new slang words and its because I hang with my "peeps" on Thursday at the coffee shop! I wonder when they will add this meaning to the dictionary?

Did you realize that Jesus also said something about "Peeps"?   If you will permit me, I will use the Becky paraphrase.  John 15:14, 15 says:  "You are my friends (peeps) if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends (peeps) for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." A friend is someone who is always there who has your best interest at heart. A friend is happy when you are happy, who cries when you cry, and listens to all your hopes and dreams without condemnation.  Doesn't Jesus do all those things for us? Sad to say, I don't always acknowledge or spend time with Christ on a friendship basis.  I quickly read a few verses of scripture, pray for a few requests, and then go on my way.  I find myself thinking to myself that I am just too busy to cultivate my friendship with Him.  But we know to be a friend you have to spend time with a friend.  OUCH!

My mentoring challenge for us this next Easter week would be to dwell on the great price that was paid so we might be called "friends" of Christ.  And then in light of that knowledge, we might choose to spend some friendship time with the Lord.  After all, that's what "Peeps" do!

1/2 cup brown sugar 
1/2 cup butter
Microwave for 2 minutes
Add package (10 Peeps)
Microwave another 1 minute or until they melt
Pour over 12 cups popcorn, I also added M & M's.
Warning...this is very gooey but the grandkids will love it!

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