Friday, April 18, 2014

It's Transformation Time!

Hello and Happy Easter!  He is risen!

When my boys were little they had these toys called "Transformers".  I don't know how (because I could never could get the hang of it) but the boys would make a few twists and turns and the object would turn into a robot.  It was amazing to me!

In our small group we have been going through "The Truth Project" a DVD series from Focus On The Family.  Last week's lesson had to do with being transformed.  Romans 12:2 says:  "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."  (NIV)  The speaker used the illustration of metamorphose.    Remember in third grade when your friend brought a caterpillar to school and it turned into a pupa, and then into a butterfly?  It was amazing how a slimy green worm could transform into a beautiful winged creature!  When you think about Easter,what transformed the disciples that they willing to risk their very lives to spread the gospel?   Sure they heard Jesus's voice and were taught by Him. Yes, they walked with Him and were firsthand witnesses to the miracles He performed.  Yet when it got down to it, they still ran away just when Christ needed them the most.  What really transformed them?  It was the resurrection, the transformation of Christ from the dead, that ultimatedly changed them, just as it does for us this very day!

One day when I arrive in heaven,  I will be transformed into my new body but the goal remains for me now, to transform my mind, so I will be able to test the things that the world throws at me and discover what God's good, pleasing and perfect will is. The DVD made an excellent point: "The life changes when the mind changes."  What do we fill our minds with? Just some food for thought this Easter season.

Here's a pattern for a butterfly that I created.  You can make it out of cloth (just zigzag around the different parts) and add it to a tote bag, or make it out of paper and add it to a gift bag. I have included the link for the pattern.  Enjoy!

Link to Butterfly

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