Friday, April 4, 2014

It's So Comforting!

Winter is over (thank goodness) but there are still comfort foods that are great on a chilly Spring evening! One of those for me, is Potato Soup. This is a recipe that my mother always made, but I have tweaked the dumplings and am claiming them as my own.  Hope you enjoy!

Today I am thinking of the word comfort.  Webster defines it:  "to soothe, console, or reassure, or cheer".  It can mean a person or thing that gives consolation or relief.  Our God is very involved in comforting us and then in return, us comforting others.   2 Corinthians 1:3,4 says "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (NIV)  A "pay it forward" concept if I ever heard one! This verse says, God is "The God of all Comforts" and that should give us great hope. I am thinking of a family today back in Missouri, who is burying their loved one and I know that even though I cannot be there to give them a hug, God will comfort them better than I ever could because He is the God of all comforts!

My mentoring question today would be this:  Is there someone you know that can use comforting this day?   Many are going through some hard times financially.  Perhaps you know of someone who lost a loved one and is grieving?  How about someone who is depressed and heavy laden?  Or perhaps you are that person. I would encourage you to look up the word comfort in the back of your bible or go to the website and search for the word comfort.  God cares deeply about you and has provided you great comfort today in His word.   Just a suggestion to make us all comforters:  How about making a phone call, sending a card, taking someone to lunch, or more importantly including them in your prayers this day?   Ask God to reveal who this person might be that needs some comfort today. Hey, you could even take them some soup!


Peel 4-5 potatoes and cut into 1" chunks.  Cover with water and cook until tender (10-15 minutes).  Drain. Add 1/4 c. frozen mirepoix blend (frozen celery, carrots and onions) along with 6 cups milk (2% or whole) and 1 Tablespoon butter.  Heat until hot and steaming.

Dumplings:  2 beaten eggs, 1 Tablespoon water, 1/4 teas. butter flavoring, 1 teas. baking powder, 8 Tablespoons flour.  Mix until doughy and drop by spoonfuls over hot broth.  Cover with lid and cook until dumplings are no longer doughy.


  1. This great encouragement, Becky. Thanks! The recipe looks fantastic. I will be trying that out on my family this week.

    1. Thanks Bonny, let me know how your family likes it!
