Friday, April 25, 2014

Mentoring Woman: Everybody Has A Job To Do!

Mentoring Woman: Everybody Has A Job To Do!: I have been reading through the Bible in a year and just started Numbers.   Now, before you start figuring it, I'm just a tad behind.  H...

Everybody Has A Job To Do!

I have been reading through the Bible in a year and just started Numbers.   Now, before you start figuring it, I'm just a tad behind.  Hey, I didn't happen to say what year, right?  Anyway, the most important thing is I'm reading it. I've learned over the years "to let it go" and not be too harsh with myself on these things!

The book of Numbers has proved to be more interesting that I had originally anticipated.  The first thing I noticed is how much our God is a God of Order.  If in doubt, just go back and read the specific instructions that God gave Noah for the Ark!  But here in Numbers, God had the tribe of Levi divide themselves by families and clans and their specific job was to care for the Tabernacle. The family of Kohathite was to care for the most holy things, like the ark of the Testimony, table of the Presence, etc.   The family of Gershonite was to care for all the curtains, ropes and equipment.  The Merarites were to carry the frames, crossbars, posts, and bases for the tabernacle.   Now before you get too concerned, these families had almost 3,000 people in each one of them.  And as my grandma used to say:  "Many hands make light work!"  God told them in Numbers 4:32: "Assign to each man the specific things he is to carry."  They must have been like a fine oiled piece of machinery as they worked together to get this huge portable building up and down each time they were required to move it.  If you have ever gone camping you will know what I mean.  Some of these camping people have things down to a science.  In light of this book of the Bible, I don't think we need to worry about how Christ is preparing our mansion. He's got this whole thing planned down to the last golden nail or whatever they use in Heaven!

So how does the book of Numbers relate to the body of Christ.  I Corinthians 12:12 says:  "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body."  You may think that just because you carry a pole or fold a curtain that what you are doing seems insignificant to what is going on in the church or the body of Christ as a whole, but I Cor. 12:18 says:  "But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body every one of them just as he wanted them to be."  Comforting huh?  Each of us is needed to complete this project called life and get us where we all need to be!

My mentoring challenge this week is to test the waters.  If you are right where you know God has placed you...Praise Him for that.  If you are unsure what your part might be, pray about it and get out there and volunteer to carry a pole or fold a curtain....for we all have a job to do!

One of my homemaking jobs is creating recipes or adding a new twist to an old one. I came up with this Baked Goulash this past week and it passed the family test so I decided to share it with you today.


4 cups of cooked macaroni
1 can of Rotel
1/2 cup ketchup
1/4 cup water
1/4 chopped frozen or fresh onion
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1 package of colby/cheddar cheese
Brown the ground beef with the onion.  Add the other ingredients in a 9 x 13" baking dish and top with cheese.  Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mentoring Woman: It's Transformation Time!

Mentoring Woman: It's Transformation Time!: Hello and Happy Easter!  He is risen! When my boys were little they had these toys called "Transformers".  I don't know how ...

It's Transformation Time!

Hello and Happy Easter!  He is risen!

When my boys were little they had these toys called "Transformers".  I don't know how (because I could never could get the hang of it) but the boys would make a few twists and turns and the object would turn into a robot.  It was amazing to me!

In our small group we have been going through "The Truth Project" a DVD series from Focus On The Family.  Last week's lesson had to do with being transformed.  Romans 12:2 says:  "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."  (NIV)  The speaker used the illustration of metamorphose.    Remember in third grade when your friend brought a caterpillar to school and it turned into a pupa, and then into a butterfly?  It was amazing how a slimy green worm could transform into a beautiful winged creature!  When you think about Easter,what transformed the disciples that they willing to risk their very lives to spread the gospel?   Sure they heard Jesus's voice and were taught by Him. Yes, they walked with Him and were firsthand witnesses to the miracles He performed.  Yet when it got down to it, they still ran away just when Christ needed them the most.  What really transformed them?  It was the resurrection, the transformation of Christ from the dead, that ultimatedly changed them, just as it does for us this very day!

One day when I arrive in heaven,  I will be transformed into my new body but the goal remains for me now, to transform my mind, so I will be able to test the things that the world throws at me and discover what God's good, pleasing and perfect will is. The DVD made an excellent point: "The life changes when the mind changes."  What do we fill our minds with? Just some food for thought this Easter season.

Here's a pattern for a butterfly that I created.  You can make it out of cloth (just zigzag around the different parts) and add it to a tote bag, or make it out of paper and add it to a gift bag. I have included the link for the pattern.  Enjoy!

Link to Butterfly

Friday, April 11, 2014

Mentoring Woman: TO ALL YOU "PEEPS"!

Mentoring Woman: TO ALL YOU "PEEPS"!: Hello and welcome Peeps!  Happy almost Palm Sunday! I have to confess that I am not much of a marshmallow fan and that includes Smor...


Hello and welcome Peeps!  Happy almost Palm Sunday!

I have to confess that I am not much of a marshmallow fan and that includes Smore's.  I know to some of you that seems almost unimaginable! However, to me, you can eat a spoonful of sugar (sorry Mary Poppins) and pretty much get the same results.  In fact, I had to buy this package special so I could try out this experiment.  I realize that some of you might have leftover "Peeps" after next week's Easter Egg Hunt, so this got me to wondering.  Could you use "Peeps" instead of marshmallows in the following recipe and get the same results?  Guess what?  You can!  Three of our grandchildren are staying over on Saturday night so this will be our movie watching snack.  Popcorn mixed with marshmallow and M & M's.  Nothing like getting them on a sugar high, right?

I've also been noticing the word "Peeps" used on a lot more on Facebook instead of the word "friends". My husband did not realize that this term existed and accused me of making it up.  But of course I am ever on the cutting edge of new slang words and its because I hang with my "peeps" on Thursday at the coffee shop! I wonder when they will add this meaning to the dictionary?

Did you realize that Jesus also said something about "Peeps"?   If you will permit me, I will use the Becky paraphrase.  John 15:14, 15 says:  "You are my friends (peeps) if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends (peeps) for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." A friend is someone who is always there who has your best interest at heart. A friend is happy when you are happy, who cries when you cry, and listens to all your hopes and dreams without condemnation.  Doesn't Jesus do all those things for us? Sad to say, I don't always acknowledge or spend time with Christ on a friendship basis.  I quickly read a few verses of scripture, pray for a few requests, and then go on my way.  I find myself thinking to myself that I am just too busy to cultivate my friendship with Him.  But we know to be a friend you have to spend time with a friend.  OUCH!

My mentoring challenge for us this next Easter week would be to dwell on the great price that was paid so we might be called "friends" of Christ.  And then in light of that knowledge, we might choose to spend some friendship time with the Lord.  After all, that's what "Peeps" do!

1/2 cup brown sugar 
1/2 cup butter
Microwave for 2 minutes
Add package (10 Peeps)
Microwave another 1 minute or until they melt
Pour over 12 cups popcorn, I also added M & M's.
Warning...this is very gooey but the grandkids will love it!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mentoring Woman: It's So Comforting!

Mentoring Woman: It's So Comforting!: Winter is over (thank goodness) but there are still comfort foods that are great on a chilly Spring evening! One of those for me, is Pot...

It's So Comforting!

Winter is over (thank goodness) but there are still comfort foods that are great on a chilly Spring evening! One of those for me, is Potato Soup. This is a recipe that my mother always made, but I have tweaked the dumplings and am claiming them as my own.  Hope you enjoy!

Today I am thinking of the word comfort.  Webster defines it:  "to soothe, console, or reassure, or cheer".  It can mean a person or thing that gives consolation or relief.  Our God is very involved in comforting us and then in return, us comforting others.   2 Corinthians 1:3,4 says "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (NIV)  A "pay it forward" concept if I ever heard one! This verse says, God is "The God of all Comforts" and that should give us great hope. I am thinking of a family today back in Missouri, who is burying their loved one and I know that even though I cannot be there to give them a hug, God will comfort them better than I ever could because He is the God of all comforts!

My mentoring question today would be this:  Is there someone you know that can use comforting this day?   Many are going through some hard times financially.  Perhaps you know of someone who lost a loved one and is grieving?  How about someone who is depressed and heavy laden?  Or perhaps you are that person. I would encourage you to look up the word comfort in the back of your bible or go to the website and search for the word comfort.  God cares deeply about you and has provided you great comfort today in His word.   Just a suggestion to make us all comforters:  How about making a phone call, sending a card, taking someone to lunch, or more importantly including them in your prayers this day?   Ask God to reveal who this person might be that needs some comfort today. Hey, you could even take them some soup!


Peel 4-5 potatoes and cut into 1" chunks.  Cover with water and cook until tender (10-15 minutes).  Drain. Add 1/4 c. frozen mirepoix blend (frozen celery, carrots and onions) along with 6 cups milk (2% or whole) and 1 Tablespoon butter.  Heat until hot and steaming.

Dumplings:  2 beaten eggs, 1 Tablespoon water, 1/4 teas. butter flavoring, 1 teas. baking powder, 8 Tablespoons flour.  Mix until doughy and drop by spoonfuls over hot broth.  Cover with lid and cook until dumplings are no longer doughy.