The holidays are over and now we can all breath a sigh of relief! You might think with the title of this post that I am going to talk about taking a long winter's nap! After all the Christmas decorating, buying, wrapping, and cooking that all of us have done I'm sure we all deserve it, Certainly we need times of refreshment and relaxation, so if that is what you have been doing, enjoy!
But today I wanted to talk about something that is a struggle for all of us and that is "resting in Lord". What does resting look like and how can you and I accomplish it? Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
The first thing I noticed about these verses is that we have to take our weariness and burdens (or the things that weigh us down) to Christ. He not only asks us to, but he wants to carry them. Why is it that it almost always our last response? We wring our hands with worry, we talk about what is bothering us with our friends, but we take it to the Lord last. Sometimes what is making us weary is our friends burdens! When we give these burdens to him then He gives us rest. It almost makes me feel lighter just hearing about it! Doesn't it you?
Then Christ goes on to talk about a yoke. What is that all about? My husband, who was raised on a farm, tells me that when a new horse is introduced to field work, the farmer hooks it next to a more mature horse, one who knows the ropes or harness (pun intended) so to speak. That is why I love the mentoring process for it is the same principle! When we older women share our lives with you younger women, we share with you what has or has not worked over the years on how to better manage our homes, to love our husbands and children, and all the other things that Titus 2:3-5 talks about. However, not for one minute am I comparing we older women to an old mare! But in the Matthew passage, we are being yoked or connected with Jesus. What kind of things will he teach us? A couple of the things is found in the same verse. It is how to be gentle and humble in heart. I want to learn that! Don't you? Wow, what a mentoring promise! There's a lot to learn in 2015 ladies, and there is rest in the Lord!
I am including a very simple Chicken Rice Soup I prepared last week. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

I raided the pantry and found this package of Herb and Butter Rice A Roni.
First I took 2 frozen chicken breasts, a half chopped onion, 1-2 stalks of chopped celery, and 1 sliced carrot and put into a pan. I covered the mixture in water and cooked all until tender. I removed the chicken and cut into bite-sized chunks and returned it to the broth and vegetable mixture. Then I added the package mix. I did not add any other spices because everything was right there in the mix! Cook until rice is tender. Add more water as needed or if you like a thinner soup. I told you it was souper simple! This would be a great for all this -4 degree weather we have been having!
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