Friday, January 23, 2015


Well, the time has finally arrived for displaying all the items I have been sewing all these months. I   just had to set up for a trial run but when I take it to the church, the table, will actually have a cloth and skirt on it!

Whew, this was a lot of work!

As I was thinking about the word "display" this week,  My thoughts went to God and the way He displays (or reveals) that He IS to us.  Roman's 1:20 says:  "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."  Theologians call this "General Revelation".  It is the way that God reveals who He is to mankind.  It also makes Him righteous in His judgment to mankind, for no one can ever say they did not know or see God.  Just look at a Sunset or take a trip to Niagara Falls if you doubt this! As the verse says:  "It is clearly seen!"

I took this picture of a rainbow last Spring as I looked out my front door.  It is just another perfect example of how God displays His beauty and creativity to us.

God also gives us knowledge of Him through "Special Revelation".  He does this through the written word "The Bible" and the person of  "Jesus Christ".  As you think about this, it may produce questions in your mind. If so, the website link below may help answer some of those questions.  

The point to my mentoring challenge for us is this:  We can all look out our windows and see God on display but we must take the time to get to know Him through His special revelation.  For those of us who know Christ, it also brings along the challenge of sharing our faith with those who do not know Christ.  What a wonderful privilege that God has afforded us!  Lord, help us be more bold!

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