Friday, June 20, 2014

Words of Nourishment

Today I am thinking about words.   In fact nourishing words.  What are nourishing words you say?  I had a friend say to me recently "wow it looks like you've lost some weight!" Now I don't think I really had, but those words gave me nourishment to think that perhaps I have been making some better choices in my eating habits.  The other words came from my grandchild who said, "Grandma, I've been reading your blog every week and I really like it." And from a friend, "Your blog encourages me to be more diligent."  I've been feasting on those nourishing words a lot this past week!

Everyone needs nourishing words.  The Book of Proverbs is just filled with verses on how our words affect other people.   Since Proverbs is the Book of Wisdom I thought it would be good for us to look at a few today.

Proverbs 15:4:  "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." (NIV) How can our tongue bring healing?  How about when we make an effort to edit our words and make sure that when we do say something, it brings nourishment and not discouragement to someone? This is a tough one since I am sure everyone needs to hear my advice and opinion on everything!  I have been praying that God would give me more wisdom about when to speak, how to speak, and what to speak. James 3 is also a chapter about taming the tongue and is a great one to review for this also. I certainly don't want the reputation of being known as a "spirit crusher"!

Proverbs 15:30: "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones."(NIV) Wow, you mean even the looks we give to others can bring joy?  Just stand in line at the supermarket on any given day and you will see examples of what Solomon is talking about.  You've heard the term "If looks could kill?" A pastor once said, when he goes to a restaurant or store he engages the person who waits on him in conversation.  He might say  "Are you having a good day?"  "What do you like the most about working here?" and gives them a big smile.  The people who wait on us usually thank us for shopping or eating there (or they should) but how often do we really thank them? Those jobs have to be tough, having to be on your feet all day, and trying to be nice to each person. And what about that second part of this verse? How often do we spread good news?   We are always quick to spread the bad, but in this world of gloom and doom, isn't it wonderful to hear something good about someone?  It's refreshing and nourishing!  Yep, gonna have to work on this one!

Proverbs 10:21: "The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment."(NIV)
There it very words can give someone else nourishment. Wow, that is powerful!   Just like my friends and grandson did for me, I can do for others!  It's just a matter of making a conscience effort of making it happen and looking for the opportunity to do it.

My mentoring challenge this week is this:  "Yes, we need to be careful about the words we say but we also need to make a genuine effort to be generous in spreading some nourishing words around.   Who knows?  It might be the very thing that someone else is needing to bring them joy and healing and they will feasting on our nourishing words for weeks to come!

Here's a quick and easy craft to do.  I bought a hand towel and in the blank area at the bottom, I sewed a decorative ribbon border across the bottom with a straight stitch.  You could also add a ruffle or two or an iron on applique.  It is a economical way to give your towels that expensive designer look but in this case I am using it for a gift basket I am making.  Just trying to spread some nourishment!

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