Friday, June 6, 2014

Let The Games Begin!

School is officially over so that means picnics, fun times in the park, swimming, and perhaps even some camping.  I see some of you pinning those recipes and camping ideas!   Although we did do some camping when our kids were little, my idea of camping now, is a night at The Hampton Inn!  Oh, the times they are a changin!

Thinking about what my mentoring suggestion might be with all this summer activity is...keep looking  for those "teachable moments" with your children also known as "windows of opportunities". Sometimes you have to create them but most times they just happen.

A suggestion might be when camping have each member of the family, who is old enough, be responsible for a small mini devotional on any subject of their choice.  They have to look up the scripture and have ready any props they might need.  Another member could select the music of the evening.  We did this when our kids were little and was very pleasantly surprised at all their creativity.  I remember one night when their father had charge of the evening, we turned out all the lights in the tent and he had a flashlight.  He spoke of how we were all in darkness until the "Light Of The World" (flashlight then popped on) Jesus Christ came down to save us.  It was a very short devotional, but funny I still remember that visual after all these years. Of course this sounds like a June Cleaver moment, but just like any other normal family, for one reason or another, things did not always work out so we learned quickly that we had to be flexible!  Such as the time we took off South for my husband's sisters and traveled across Arkansas and Kansas and it rained every blooming day!  We were tempted to just keep traveling the United States and hire ourselves out as rainmakers that year! I spent most of the time just trying to dry out us and our things. On that trip I cooked in the rain with my electric skillet and an umbrella over me just so we could eat something besides bologna sandwiches and have something hot to fill our stomachs! This was long before fast food was so easy to come by and a very tight budget. Sounds dangerous doesn't it?  But after all these years, I still smile, shake my head, and remember that trip!  And really when all is said and done, that is exactly what camping is all about. life experiences and life memories!

I am including my mom's potato salad recipe for your camping and picnic enjoyment.  I hope each of you enjoy the summer with your children.  Here's to teachable moments and making lots of memories!

Mom's Potato Salad

4-5 Large Potatoes 
3 eggs
1/4  cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup sweet pickle relish
Boil potatoes in water with lid on (peelings on) until tender with a knife.  Add the raw eggs on the top of the potatoes and you can cook altogether!
After cooking and when cooled, peel both potatoes and eggs. Chop into bite sized pieces.
Add celery, onions and relish.

Mix together: 1/2 cup Miracle Whip, 1/4 cup sour cream, 1/4 cup sugar, 2 Tablespoons Yellow Mustard 
Add to potato mixture, mix, refrigerate and enjoy!

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