Friday, June 27, 2014


Well I was back at my sewing machine again this past week.  I had bought a "casserole cover" at an estate sale and wanted to try to duplicate the pattern for myself.  It looked to be pretty handy for carrying pies or round and oblong casserole dishes. It evidently was made back in the 50's due to the orange and brown color! And looks a little "worse for the wear" as my dad always said.

So instead of tearing the old one apart I just tried to figure out how they had sewed it together.  First you find a large round object.  I used this old metal tray that measures 19" across.   I drew around it with some tailor's chalk and cut two circles out of the fabric.  (I made sure I used heavier fabric).

Next,I had to find a smaller circle pattern for the center portion.  I used a small cereal bowl that measures 6" across and cut out one.  I also cut another out one out of heavier quilted material (the green fabric underneath it) to act as a cushion below this.  Batting would also serve the purpose.  (We don't want it burning your legs when you carry it on your lap and it also helps to keep the item warm.)  

Next, I cut 3 strips for the handles measuring 3" x 25" long.  I admit to struggling in turning these long skinny handles but you can try this link that I posted below because that is the method I will be trying next time I make one!  Hey, if it's good enough for a purse handle, it's good enough for this project!

Next, I sewed the green quilted smaller circle to the same sized circle and placed on the larger circle.
Then I attached a ruffle to this small circle (see picture) 1/4" from outside.  You could also use rick rack as my original pattern did. Pin this smaller circle  in the center of one of the large circles on the right side and sew around it.

Next sew your handles in half with right sides together and turn or try the new method I have linked you to above.  Place these strips on the right side of the material where you placed the smaller inner circle. (See above)  The strips should be 9" apart all the way around.  I went ahead and attached them so I wouldn't have to mess with them shifting on me.  Now you are ready to sew around the whole thing.  Add the other larger circle with the right side down, pinning in place, and making sure your handles are pointed toward the center and out of your way of sewing.  Make sure you leave a 4-5" opening for turning the fabric.  Turn and press the carrier.  Top stitch around the entire circle and there you have it.  

I bought a new casserole dish for the center and am giving to someone as a gift.  I think it would make a cute and easy wedding shower or wedding gift, a new home gift, or perhaps a birthday gift.  


There you go, the old can be made new again!  Does that remind you of a particular scripture?  How about 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" My mentoring reminder for all of us this day:   "We may not be where we should be, but we aren't where we once was." A great praise for the finished work of Christ.  Have a fantastic weekend!  I probably will be posting early next week since we have some 4th of July plans!  Talk to you then!

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