Friday, May 2, 2014


When I was a kid (back in the Stone Age), there was a television show called "Queen For A Day".  People would nominate someone they thought worthy of receiving this honor.  The person had to have given unselfishly to their family or in some way helped others and the winner would receive something like a washer and dryer, a living room set, or some other appropriate gift.  The host would also place a robe and crown on the woman and treat them and their family to a vacation or a special night out on the town.  I loved the show!

My mother is also being honored this weekend as "Queen For A Day"  at the Apple Blossom parade in St. Joseph, Missouri.  She was a past queen in 1948 (see picture below)

They had a special coronation ball where she was crowned queen and I think this is where my dad first got eyes for her!   This Saturday, they are having some of the past queens ride on a float in the parade.   Although I cannot make the trip this time, they did this 10 years ago and I able to see her in all her glory. What fun! She is all excited about wearing her formal, getting her hair done and I am praying the weather is nice so she can enjoy her day. Won't that be great for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren to witness? Shh...don't tell her I am sending her a wrist corsage today.  She doesn't Internet so I know I can trust you with the secret.

There is another queen that I love to read about and that is Queen Esther in the Bible.  She was more than just "Queen for a Day" she was responsible for saving the whole Jewish nation from destruction.  If you have never read the account, I recommend you read it, because it is a fascinating story that only God could orchestrate.  One of the great quotes of her story is when her Uncle Mordecai says to her in Esther 4:14: "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place but you and your father's family will perish.  And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" (NIV)  Here is my mentoring question for today:  "Do we ever give thought that perhaps God wants to use us in some special way?"  He will accomplish His will one way or another, but sometimes He allows us to go along for the ride!   Perhaps we shall never save a whole nation but we can make a difference in our children and grandchildren's lives and that could affect generations and perhaps nations to come!  That is an awesome thought isn't it?

Back to my mom, since it is so close to Mother's Day I would like to honor her with a big thank you.  She gave beyond the call of duty to we 5 kids.  Some of you know that I had polio as a child and my mother spurred me on to try and accomplish anything I set my mind to.  So mom, you will not only be "Queen For A Day" this Saturday, you are the queen of my life everyday and I'm sending my love to you across the miles.   Following is a picture of the card I designed for her.  Can you tell that lavender and flowers are her favorite?

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