Friday, March 7, 2014

The Tie That Binds

Yes, I am back at sewing again and this is my latest creation:  This quilt was originated from 12 squares of 9 x 9" material blocks that I found at a thrift store for less than $2.00.   It was backed by a fleece blanket and seam binding purchased there as well.  The whole thing cost me less than $4.00!  A trash to treasure find!

It's a very simple baby blanket for the Crisis Pregnancy Center that has the softest fleece on the back. However, if you know anything about quilts, you will notice that in this picture, it doesn't have one essential item....THE BINDING!  If I left this quilt like it was, all the edges would begin to unravel and fall apart, especially the first time it was washed.

Webster defines the word bind as:  "to fasten or secure with or as if with a band" it can also mean to bandage, to unite, to place under obligation or to secure within a cover.  I'm sure you are beginning to see where my analogy is going this week. The bible uses the word bind some 54 times. In Psalm 147:3 it says of God:   "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds".  But how does God do this? Please allow me to continue with my quilt analogy.  I don't pretend to be an expert on quilt making, but I have been to the International Quilt Market in Houston, Texas and I can tell you there are some beautiful quilts out there!  I remember seeing one the most beautiful bride quilts, that if you didn't know better, you would think it was a painting.  It was just pieces of material, planned, originated, and placed by the maker but with the most beautiful picture resulting.

So it is with us, God takes each of us in this crazy quilt we call life, places us where He desires, to accomplish the plans that He originates.   Once we trust Christ as our personal saviour, God does an amazing thing, He then binds (fastens, secures) us together in Him so that when this world threatens to undo us, we don't unravel and we can remain fastened in Him.   My mentoring question today is this: Do you feel like your life is unraveling and none of the pieces are making sense?  Run to the one who binds all things together.  After all...He is the only one with the plan and He knows how all the pieces fit together!

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