Friday, March 14, 2014



This week I have been organizing my craft room.  Now, this is no simple task because you see, I am a gatherer. There I said it, and now it's out in the open!  I don't think there are support groups for this habit of mine...but there is a TV show that might relate, called "Hoarders".  Just kidding, I'm not nearly that out of control!  I do, however, tend to gather supplies from thrift stores or items on sell. I have supplies of cloth, lace, do-dads (technical term), embellishments, painting supplies, artificial flower arranging supplies, rubber stamps, scrapbooking, and cardmaking supplies just to name a few. You can do this ladies once the little birdies start leaving home and you finally get that craft room! The issue with my gathering is, I never remember what I have, or where the item is when I need it.  I would just love for things to be more organized and right at my fingertips. Thus the reason for this craft room revitalization.

So begins my analogy for today...the scripture tells me this:  "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee"  Psalms 119:11 (KJV).  God's word is to be stored away in my mind so I know where to go, not only when I need it, but it can actually prevent me from sinning!  The verses my grandmother and Sunday School teachers taught me are still there 60+ years later and believe you me I draw from them plenty!  Hopefully, this gives you moms encouragement that your time is not wasted teaching bible verses to your children while they are young.  You may not see the fruits of it now, but it can be something that turns that child around or provides strength for them as they get older.  The parenting book called, "Growing Kid's, God's Way", says our minds are also like moral warehouses where we store things to help us or our children make wiser choices.

I can't memorize scripture you might say?  How many pin numbers and passwords do we already have memorized? Same principle, we write it down, recite it over and over, until we know it one phrase, then one verse at a time.  I have read books about prisoners of war in concentration camps. These people thirsted for the written word of God and in most cases could only pull from their moral warehouses for the information! The book, "The Hiding Place", by Corrie Ten Boom is about a woman who spent time in a Nazi concentration camp and is a perfect example of this.  I wonder how much I could glean from what is stored in my mind at this point?  Just something I am asking myself this day. It may seem like I am pointing a finger but I have four more pointed right back at me!

I am including a little project that I did for my craft organizing quest this week. I was looking at those little plastic boxes that Crisco sticks come in and thought this could be re-purposed as a button keeper. For the top I just used some paper tape I bought at the dollar tree and some ric rack hot glued around the edge. You could also use Washi Tape, scrapbook paper, or even material glued on it.  I made my flower out of circles of scrapbook paper that I spritzed with water, crumbled up into a ball and joined together in the center by a brad. Then open it up like petals on a flower until it is the way you want it.  Let it air dry and hot glue the flower on the top. You could also use the container for small "American Girl" items and embellish it that way. For boys, perhaps hot glue a Hot Wheels Car on top or some Lego's.  Just some ideas to help "Keep Things At Hand!"



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