I am about to reveal to you another of my many quirks (for lack of a better term). I just love squishy white bread! You know the kind when you open the wrapper and you literally roll it up in a ball and almost use it as play dough? This has been something that I can remember being an issue since I was a kid seeing the "Wonder Bread" commercials that supposedly builds bodies 8 ways!

This got me to thinking of this whole business of bread. Bread is another topic mentioned all through scripture! Of course the first that came to my mind is the bread that God supplied the Israelite's in the desert but even before that, bread is mentioned as a vital part of the Passover Feast in Exodus with specific ways and days to prepare it. And believe you me, that bread was flat and nothing fluffy about it. The bread that God supplied in the desert (Manna) was rained down from heaven and they were told specific ways to collect it as test (Exodus 16:4) to see if they would obey God's instructions. The scripture says in Exodus 16:31 that it was white like coriader seed and tasted like wafers made with honey. Now, we're talkin! A jar of Manna was even placed in the tabernacle for a reminder of God's provision for generations to come.
Of course the New Testament speaks of bread as well. It was used as a temptation in the desert when Satan tempted Christ to turn the stones into bread. Jesus used it as part of a meal to feed the 4,000 people in Mark 8. Jesus claimed to be "The Bread of Life" in John 6:47-51: "I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I give for the life of the world." (NIV) Christ even used bread at the Last Supper as a symbol and remembrance of His body broken for us. So my mentoring challenge today is give the topic of bread some thought. We use it to feed our families, and we use it to feed our souls! What a true wonder!
Two foods are true essentials for man's being to be fed.
The first is cool clean water, and second one is bread.
The rains provide the lakes and streams to quench all nature's thirst
as the oceans and the deepest wells, with water from them burst.
The farmers plant the grain to grow and harvest in their season,
so you can feed your family from your table, is the reason.
The same are sure essentials for nourishment of the soul,
the Water and the Bread Of Life can make a man's life whole.
Jesus gives eternal life, from the well that won't dry.
He promises we'll never thirst, when on His name we cry.
He is the Bread Of Life to all, no hunger shall we know,
by trusting in His payment for our sins so long ago.
The nourishment that we take, lasts shortly and will flee.
The nourishment that Christ provides, lasts for eternity!

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