Friday, May 15, 2015


Ever think about electric dog fences?  I know, the way my mind wanders never ceases to amaze me either! I was driving down the road last week when I noticed all these little white flags in someones yard.  I knew that either they had just gotten a new dog or they were training the one they had to stay in the confines of their own domain.

This got me to thinking.  What would happen if God zapped me each time I stepped out of the confines of  His domain also?  Oh, I don't mean a knock me on my seat type of thing, but just a little zap? "You shouldn't have said that Becky!"  ZAP     "You shouldn't have watched that Becky!"   ZAP
"You shouldn't have read that Becky!"  ZAP  "You shouldn't have had that thought!"  ZAP  You catch my drift?  I just wonder how many times a day I would get it?

In a way God does provide us with a ZAP by the Holy Spirit. When we trust Christ as our personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit indwells us.  One of  the things the Holy Spirit does is convict us of sin. , "When He (Holy Spirit) comes, He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:  (John 16: 8, NIV) "You need to go ask for forgiveness from that person Becky!"   "You need to ask forgiveness from God for that sin Becky!"  The problem is, just like a dog does with these little jolts of electrical current,  I justify in my mind that it is worth the risk to run outside the boundaries and see what is on the other side.  Please tell me I am not the only one who struggles with this issue!

However, God's word tells me that everyone of us sins and we are deceiving ourselves to think otherwise!  My mentoring challenge for us today is this:  Listen to the Holy Spirit.  Is He directing you to seek forgiveness from someone?  Is He prompting you to confess a sin?   If so, rejoice!  God is at work in You conforming you to His imagine!   A good ZAP once in awhile never hurt nobody!  (I think my grandma told me this!)

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