Thursday, April 23, 2015


When I was around 6 years old, my cousin and I, were riding my brothers horse on the farm.  Now I admit that I was not skilled in horsemanship, but my cousin was the one who had the reigns of "Lightning" (the horses name).  Before I knew what happened, she had somehow reigned the horse into the barbed wire fence.  She evidently wasn't a skilled horsewoman herself! The horse ended up bucking us both off and she required 7-8 stitches in her leg.  (Today, they would probably have simply butterflied it together with super glue!)  Since I grabbed the barbed wire, (I know, bad idea) I had a deep cut and still have a mark to this day on the palm of my right hand.  It was very hard for me to get back on that horse, but I did it.  I am sure this is a hard concept to understand for you knowledgeable equestrians.

That is the way I am feeling this week.  After taking a week off to visit my mother, it is hard to "get back on the horse" of writing this blog.  I feel the enemy telling me "it really doesn't matter, no one would really miss it anyway".  But then the Spirit says, "You have had over 4,400 hits since you began a little over 1 year ago and it is now reaching as far as the Ukraine!"  So with that reality in mind, I will get back on this imaginary horse of writing and persevere, for that is what the Lord has called each of us to do.  "Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming.  See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near."  James 5:7-8, NIV.

Perhaps you are experiencing the same thing because this isn't your first rodeo with God.  You also are having a hard time "Getting Back On The Horse".  You suddenly stopped attending church because your feelings were hurt by someone.  Isn't it time to let the hurt go and allow God to carry you? Maybe you have failed at studying the scriptures and praying like you know you should.  Isn't it time to dust yourself off and get right back in the saddle? Maybe you have fallen into sin and are scared to really trust that God will and can forgive you.  Isn't it time to take Him at His word and ride off into the sunset with Him?  ("If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." I John 1:9)

Your life can be different but you have to allow yourself to "Get Back On The Horse!"

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