Friday, October 31, 2014


Mentoring Woman: WHAT LURKS IN YOUR CLOSET? PART 2: Well, as promised, the doll closet is completed!  It is not perfection but it will work for a display for my upcoming market table. ...


Well, as promised, the doll closet is completed!  It is not perfection but it will work for a display for my upcoming market table.

You might think this was a simple project.  I mean how hard is it to paint a cardboard box?  Well, it was much more difficult than I first imagined.  I probably had at least 9 hours involved in it!  With anything you try for the first time, I just designed as I went.  I torn pieces of brown paper and glued (with regular white glue, watered down a bit) on the outside to cover the box and then let dry.  I inserted half of  a gold cafe rod by cutting a small hole in the box on each side. I shredded various colors of scrapbook paper and glued in a similar fashion to the inside and then let that dry.  I thought of painting the outside brown to resemble wood, but felt it was too dark (because after all, this is for a little girl) so I chose red instead and then while it was still wet, I sprinkled with bronze glitter (because little girls love their bling)!  Next I had to figure out the doors. If I had been smart I would have left them on my original box, but because I was designing as I went, I did not do so (so you be smarter).  So, I attached them back on with elastic gold thread.  I then glued flat cream lace around the outside of the doors. For the knobs I used a push pin with a plastic flower embellishment and hot glued that on the top of the pin.  As the project progressed, I was beginning to get somewhat discouraged.  I kept thinking, "Is this even worth it?" But then I thought of you, and the fact that I promised you I would finish, and so I did!

So it is in our Christian walk.  As we clean out our closet, there will be times when we want to give up.  After all, "This one sin isn't really all that bad!"  But I Thessalonians 5:23,24 says: "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify (set you apart) you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it."   (NIV)

Our Christian walk is a checks and balance life.  We continually need to be throwing off the old clothes and replacing it with the new!  My mentoring encouragement for today, is to keep at it! All your sisters are counting on you to finish strong! Look in that closet and decide if it is time for you to get rid of some of those old garments.  After all, they are not your style anymore and you've just plain outgrown them. Don't be tempted to try and re-purpose them, don't try and donate them to someone else for their enjoyment, just pitch them!

Friday, October 24, 2014


Mentoring Woman: WHAT LURKS IN YOUR CLOSET? PART 1: It is close to Halloween and with it comes all the talk of spooky, scary, and dark things. When I was little, I sometimes imagined something...


It is close to Halloween and with it comes all the talk of spooky, scary, and dark things. When I was little, I sometimes imagined something scary hiding in my closet at night.  It must be a common thing and that is why the movie "Monster, Inc." became so popular.

Webster describes the word ''closet", as a small room, enclosed recess where it is private and secluded. It also says it is a dark state of secrecy or carefully guarded privacy.  In other words something that only we would know about!  I don't know about you, but if someone calls and my home is in disarray, where is the first place I think to stash things?  The closet!  I am sure the "stuff" will be out of sight and no one will ever open it up and investigate what is in there! But then my closets get filled with junk and it is time to do cleaning. When this happens, I keep reminding myself, perhaps if I had taken a little time for cleaning when it happened, it wouldn't seem so overwhelming to me!  Can I get an "Amen Sista?"

And so begins my mentoring thoughts today.  Is there bitterness, guilt, or some sin that you have carried way too long and is beginning to crowd in on the new clothes that Christ gave you to wear? Then perhaps it is time to do a little closet cleaning!  Ephesians 5 is a great place to look at the difference of living in the darkness compared to the light.  Ephesians 5:8-11 says:  "For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them." (NIV)  David must have had some closet cleaning to do himself, for he says in Psalm 32:5:  "Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.  I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave the guilt of my sin."

This week's blog is in two parts.  I think this idea of closet cleaning is important to address because it is those hidden things, that hinder us.  They affect our walk with Christ, they affect our love for others, and they can even affect our health!  David said in the same chapter in Psalm 32:3-4:  "When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.  For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer."  Pretty vivid picture huh?

To go along with our theme, I am posting a two-part work in progress as well (because that is what just what we are, a work in progress!)  I am making a closet for my American Girl doll clothes that I am taking to sell at the women's event in  January.  It is made from a box, shredded scrapbook paper, brown craft paper and a curtain rod I had on hand.  I glued the paper on the box with watered down glue.  Cut a hole for the curtain rod to insert, am in the process of added trim to the edge and hope to design a door for it this next week.

The completed project will be done hopefully next week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mentoring Woman: All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go!

Mentoring Woman: All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go!: I'm posting early this week but wanted to show you my latest creation.  I purchased a sparkly tube top, that was already lined, on clear...

All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go!

I'm posting early this week but wanted to show you my latest creation.  I purchased a sparkly tube top, that was already lined, on clearance for $.50 at my favorite thrift store and sewed two doll dresses out of it! No pattern necessary, it is a simple straight dress with binding tape for the shoulder straps and a scrap of fake fur at the front. The shoes are made out of decorative duct tape. Did you know that Dollar General actually sells glittered tape in gold and silver?  Every crafters dream!  A U-Tube video for the making the shoes is linked here: The purse is made out of a little plastic container that those floss brushes come in and covered with the decorative tape and the same binding hot glued on for the handle.

I asked one of my granddaughter's her advice on this project.  I was afraid it was too fancy for American Girl Dolls.  She said something that I can't quite get out of my mind, "Grandma, even American Girl Dolls get to go to the prom!"

Reminds me of Revelation 10:1 "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands."  

My mentoring thought today is this:  One day, we who accepted Christ as our Saviour, will stand before His glorious throne wearing the new garments that God has fashioned for us.  We will be joined by countless others from all over this world!  What a glorious day and it will certainly be more wonderful than any prom could ever be!  I find it so humbling to know that because of Christ's great sacrifice, He made a way for this American Girl to join in this joyous celebration! All dressed up in the robes of His righteousness.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Mentoring Woman: THE APPLE OF HIS EYE

Mentoring Woman: THE APPLE OF HIS EYE: Happy Friday one and all!  The week's just fly by don't they?  I found myself in the mood for apple salad today, perhaps because of ...


Happy Friday one and all!  The week's just fly by don't they?  I found myself in the mood for apple salad today, perhaps because of this Fall weather.  It was one of my favorite dishes that my grandma made and whenever I knew she was coming, I would beg her to bring it!

As I was making it and thinking about apples,  I remembered something in scripture about us being the "apple of God's eye".   Zechariah (a prophet in the Old Testament during the restoration time after the captivity in Babylon) says in Zech. 2:8:  "For this is what the Lord Almighty says: "After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have plundered you--for whoever touches you, touches the apple of His eye."

It stands to reason, that He is not only talking about the nation of Israel, (which He certainly is in this text) but we, who believe on the name of Christ, as well.  When we accept Christ as our personal Saviour, we are grafted (another orchard term) into all of God's blessings once we become a part of God's family.  Just read Romans 11 if you have any doubts! That is why Paul made so many mission trips, to proclaim the good news to the gentiles, that salvation was theirs for the taking.  Can you tell I have been in a bible study on Thessalonians?

What does it mean to be the apple of God's eye?  I can only equate it to my children, their wives, and my grandchildren.  I would definitely go to bat for any of them!  I only want what is best for them and I delight myself in their accomplishments.  There is nothing they can do that would diminish my love, for they will always be a part of my family. I love them all as much as humanly possible. But don't mess with them, because then you mess with me!  Do you feel threatened?  I am sure you would do the same for those you love.

Here is my mentoring thought today:  Sometimes, it is hard for us to accept this kind of love from God, simply because we feel so unworthy, but God said it and we must believe it!  What a comfort it is to know that we serve a God who delights in us!  May you just take a few moments and bathe in that thought this day.

Here is my grandma's apple salad recipe.  I can't ever remember her saying "I was the apple of her eye" but I am sure I must have been, because she frequently made this recipe just for me.


2 apples (I used Honey Crisp, but any kind will do)
I also sprinkled a little lemon juice on the top to prevent the apples from browning
1-2 stalks celery
Grapes (the amount and kind you like)
1/2 cup of colby cheese cut into chunks (because grandma always did)
A handful of honey roasted peanuts, walnuts, or pecans
1 cup of minature marshmallows (either colored or white)

Sometimes grandma would also add a can of drained mandarin oranges or pineapple

Mix 1/2 cup miracle whip (you could also use mayo if you like, but I personally think the miracle whip adds a nice tang to it)  and 1/4 cup sugar together.  Then add to apple mixture.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mentoring Woman: "Bearly" Gettin By!

Mentoring Woman: "Bearly" Gettin By!: Hello everyone!  The clouds are hanging dark and gloomy over this October day, but I choose to be sunny inside this heart of mine, for I am ...

"Bearly" Gettin By!

Hello everyone!  The clouds are hanging dark and gloomy over this October day, but I choose to be sunny inside this heart of mine, for I am striving to be content.  This is a tough thing to achieve, for it flies against everything the world shows and tells us to do.  But the principle and solution for contentment comes to us right out of scripture.  Paul says in Philippians 4:11-13:  "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."  And in I Timothy 6:6:  "But godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."

Now for my mentoring thoughts:  Have you ever heard someone reply to the question, "How are you doing?" with the answer "We're barely getting by."  I don't remember ever wanting for much as a child. We had clothes, food, and the love of a family.  What more could a kid want?  But I think the pressure is greater now than then.  Movie star homes and lives, were a real luxury to my generation, but now it is to be concerned as norm.  But striving for these achievements, might be hindering us from being who and doing what God wants. Since others have newer homes, I choose not to extend hospitality or open up my small home to others.  Since others have nicer clothes, I choose not to attend church or bible studies until I can get that extreme makeover or lose some of these extra pounds.  See where I am going with this?  By shutting ourselves off with these excuses, we are really showing our lack of contentment.  

Just some random thoughts I had today.  I hope I didn't step on too many toes, but as I was writing this, I searched my own heart for places where I show discontentment, and there were several.  We're all in this together with the same feelings and insecurities.  Just a reminder for us to be ever grateful and content for what we have!

To go along with our "bear" theme, I wanted to post a quilt top that I got at my favorite thrift shop for $1.50.  I also purchased the backing and batting for $1.00 each there.  Now, I am not a bonafide quilt maker, but I'm content with that!  I am sewing around the bears and am going to try my hand at free motion quilting around the border.  Wish me luck, and if it turns out, I will post pictures. But, so what if it doesn't turn out?  It cost me $3.00 to try and with that I am content!