Friday, August 8, 2014

When Some Things Go Horribly Wrong!

Now here's a picture you won't see on "Pinterest" everyday.  An oven bottom cooking disaster!  My goal was to make an Angel Food Cake to take to our son's for supper.  I had a few things against me at the git-go.  First, I bought a generic mix (I know this fact will shock my sons and daughter's-in-law) and second, the mix had expired at the first of the month.  (Didn't notice that tidbit when I bought it!)

When I opened it, it had two packets, now that seemed odd to me, because most of the mixes I recently purchased came with only one.  The instructions said to whip the egg white packet into submission on high for 5 minutes until it formed stiff peaks.  Now the liquid was so runny that whenever I tried to turn it to high batter went splattering all over the counters, not to mention me, and the cabinets.  (Sorry, no pictures of this lovely scenario!)  After turning the mixer down a bit, it never did form peaks so I decided to add the flour packet and hope for the best. (Bad idea!) I put the batter in the angel food cake pan and placed in the oven. Next thing I know, I smell something burning and  it looked like an explosion at a marshmallow factory on the floor of the oven.  Trust me, this cake mix was no Angel was of the devil!  Anyway, I happened to have another name brand angel food cake mix in the pantry.  It was one I had used before and with only one packet. This one said "do not over mix" (my kind of instructions) and formed non-messy foamy peaks on its own. The final cake results turned out yummy.  I divided it into and sandwiched some of my homemade raspberry jam in the middle,  frosted it in cool whip and drizzled it with some more melted jam on top.

Can I get a spiritual analogy from this travesty?  Why yes I can!  In our Christian walk we may have a tendency to want to take an easier route.  One that we might think will be better for us.  But in order to know God and His word it takes work, patience, and yes obedience to get the results that He desires for us. Sorry there are just no shortcuts or bargain shopping!  God tells us in Proverbs 2:1-5:  "My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."

I could have whipped those whites until Jesus comes, but I just did not have the right ingredients to accomplish the task.  I also thought I could get by with a much cheaper shortcut and it just didn't work. Upside to all this is I now have a clean oven (something I had put off for awhile).   My mentoring challenge for us today is this:  In order to be a women of God it is gonna take some work on our part and it's going to take some time but hopefully it won't take too many cleanups in the process!  Are we up for the challenge?

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