Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Today I am feeling nostalgic for I'm thinking about home (or at least the place where I grew up).  It is almost the 4th of July and that brings back memories of a family potlucks at my grandma's home, chasing fireflies and collecting them in canning jars, watermelon cooling in washtubs, sparklers,, and of course the fireworks that my Uncle Bill always bought for us to enjoy once it got dark enough.  It was a wonderful celebration of Independence day!  I am including a poem I wrote in 1975.   No matter how we look at finding true happiness in this world it cannot be found. True Independence comes the day we trust Christ as our Lord and Saviour and peace will come when we finally are at home with Him forever.  Revelation 1:5b-6 "To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve His God and Father--to Him be glory and power for ever and ever!  Amen!   Now that will be a great homecoming and true Independence Day!  Happy 4th everyone!

Isn't it funny how each one of us keep searching for a home?
We strive to find true happiness no matter where we roam.
We think, "well if we just had this", then happy we would be.
But we find that when we have it, no real happiness we see.
When we were little "our home" was with our parents safe and sound.
But then we grew up and on our own, and a brand new home we found.
And so we went from here to there in order to find a home.
But still there was something missing no matter where we'd roam.
And though we do our very best for this need we want to meet.
We'll never be really at home at all, till we kneel at Jesus feet.

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